Network-Powered Broadband Communications Systems
Informational Note: See Informational Note Figure 800(a) and Informational Note Figure 800(b) for an illustrative application of a bonding conductor or grounding electrode conductor.
Part I. General
- Scope. This article covers network-powered broadband communications systems that provide any combination of voice, audio, video, data, and interactive services through a network interface unit.Informational Note No. 1: A typical basic system configuration includes a cable supplying power and broadband signal to a network interface unit that converts the broadband signal to the component signals. Typical cables are coaxial cable with both
broadband signal and power on the center conductor, compo‐ site metallic cable with a coaxial member(s) or twisted pair members for the broadband signal and twisted pair members for power, and composite optical fiber cable with a pair of conduc‐ tors for power. Larger systems may also include network compo‐ nents such as amplifiers that require network power.Informational Note No. 2: See 90.2(B)(4) for installations of broadband communications systems that are not covered. - Definitions. See Part I of Article 100. For purposes of this article, the following additional definitions apply.Informational Note: A typical single-family network-powered communications circuit consists of a communications drop or communications service cable and an NIU and includes the communications utility’s serving terminal or tap where it is not under the exclusive control of the communications utility.•Abandoned Network-Powered Broadband CommunicationsCable. Installed network-powered broadband communications cable that is not terminated at equipment other than a connec‐ tor and not identified for future use with a tag.Block. A square or portion of a city, town, or village enclosed by streets, including the alleys so enclosed but not any street.Exposed (to Accidental Contact). A circuit in such a position that, in case of failure of supports or insulation, contact with another circuit may result.Informational Note: See Part I of Article 100 for two other defi‐ nitions of Exposed: Exposed (as applied to live parts) and Exposed (as applied to wiring methods).Fault Protection Device. An electronic device that is intended for the protection of personnel and functions under fault conditions, such as network-powered broadband communica‐ tions cable short or open circuit, to limit the current or voltage, or both, for a low-power network-powered broadband commu‐ nications circuit and provide acceptable protection from elec‐ tric shock.Network Interface Unit (NIU). A device that converts a broad‐ band signal into component voice, audio, video, data, and interactive services signals and provides isolation between the network power and the premises signal circuits. These devices often contain primary and secondary protectors.Network-Powered Broadband Communications Circuit. The circuit extending from the communications utility’s serving terminal or tap up to and including the NIU.Informational Note: A typical one-family dwelling network- powered communications circuit consists of a communications drop or communications service cable and an NIU and includes the communications utility’s serving terminal or tap where it is not under the exclusive control of the communications utility.Point of Entrance. The point within a building at which the network-powered broadband communications cable emerges from an external wall, from a concrete floor slab, from rigid metal conduit (RMC), or from intermediate metal conduit (IMC).
- Other Articles. Circuits and equipment shall comply with 830.3(A) through (G).
- Hazardous (Classified) Locations. Network-powered broadband communications circuits and equipment installed in a location that is classified in accordance with 500.5 and505.5 shall comply with the applicable requirements of Chap‐ ter 5.
- Wiring in Ducts for Dust, Loose Stock, or Vapor Removal.The requirements of 300.22(A) shall apply.
- Equipment in Other Space Used for Environmental Air.The requirements of 300.22(C)(3) shall apply.
- Installation and Use. The requirements of 110.3(B) shall apply.
- Output Circuits. As appropriate for the services provided, the output circuits derived from the network interface unit shall comply with the requirements of the following:
- Installations of communications circuits — Part V of Arti‐ cle 800
- Installations of community antenna television and radio distribution circuits — Part V of Article 820Exception: Where protection is provided in the output of the NIU 830.90(B)(3) shall apply.
- Installations of optical fiber cables — Part V of Article 770
- Installations of Class 2 and Class 3 circuits — Part III of Article 725
- Installations of power-limited fire alarm circuits —
- Protection Against Physical Damage. The requirements of
300.4 shall apply.
830.15 Power Limitations. Network-powered broadband
communications systems shall be classified as having low- or medium-power sources as specified in 830.15(1) or (2).
- Sources shall be classified as defined in Table 830.15.
- Direct-current power sources exceeding 150 volts to ground, but no more than 200 volts to ground, with the current to ground limited to 10 mA dc, that meet the current and power limitation for medium-power sources in Table 830.15 shall be classified as medium-power sour‐ ces.
Informational Note: One way to determine compliance with 830.15(2) is listed information technology equipment intended to supply power via a communications network that complies with the requirements for RFT-V circuits as defined in UL 60950-21-2007, Standard for Safety for Information Technology Equipment — Safety — Part 21: Remote Power Feeding.
830.21 Access to Electrical Equipment Behind Panels Designed to Allow Access. Access to electrical equipment shall not be denied by an accumulation of network-powered broadband communications cables that prevents removal of panels, includ‐ ing suspended ceiling panels.
- Mechanical Execution of Work. Network-powered broadband communications circuits and equipment shall be installed in a neat and workmanlike manner. Cables installed exposed on the surface of ceilings and sidewalls shall be supported by the building structure in such a manner that the cable will not be damaged by normal building use. Such cables shall be secured by hardware including straps, staples, cable ties, hangers, or similar fittings designed and installed so as not to damage the cable. The installation shall also conform to 300.4(A), (D), (E), (F), and 300.11. Nonmetallic cable ties and other nonmetallic cable accessories used to secure and support cables in other spaces used for environmental air (plenums)
shall be listed as having low smoke and heat release properties in accordance with 800.170(C).Infrastructure Standard for Industrial Premises; ANSI/ TIA-1179-2010, Healthcare Facility Telecommunications Infrastructure Standard; ANSI/TIA-4966-2014, Telecommunications InfrastructureInformational Note No. 1: Accepted industry practices are described in ANSI/NECA/BICSI 568-2006, Standard for Installing Commercial Building Telecommunications Cabling; ANSI/TIA-568.1- D-2015, Commercial Building Telecommunications Infrastructure Standard; ANSI/TIA-569-D-2015, Telecommunications Pathways and Spaces; ANSI/TIA-570-C-2012, Residential Telecommunications Infra‐ structure Standard ; ANSI/TIA-1005-A-2012, Telecommunications
Standard for Educational Facilities; and other ANSI-approved installation standards.Informational Note No. 2: See and of NFPA 90A -2015, Standard for the Installation of Air-Conditioning and Ventilating Systems, for discrete combustible components installed in accordance with 300.22(C).
Informational Note No. 3: Paint, plaster, cleaners, abrasives,corrosive residues, or other contaminants may result in an unde‐ termined alteration of network-powered broadband cable prop‐ erties. - Abandoned Cables. The accessible portion of aban‐ doned network-powered broadband cables shall be removed. Where cables are identified for future use with a tag, the tag shall be of sufficient durability to withstand the environment involved.
- Spread of Fire or Products of Combustion. Installa‐ tions of network-powered broadband cables in hollow spaces, vertical shafts, and ventilation or air-handling ducts shall be made so that the possible spread of fire or products of combus‐ tion will not be substantially increased. Openings around pene‐ trations of network-powered broadband cables through fire- resistant-rated walls, partitions, floors, or ceilings shall be
Table 830.15 Limitations for Network-Powered Broadband Communications Systems

Network Power Source Low Medium
Circuit voltage, V max (volts)1 0–100 0–150
firestopped using approved methods to maintain the fire resist‐ ance rating.
Informational Note: Directories of electrical construction mate‐ rials published by qualified testing laboratories contain many listing installation restrictions necessary to maintain the fire- resistive rating of assemblies where penetrations or openings are made. Building codes also contain restrictions on membrane penetrations on opposite sides of a fire resistance–rated wall assembly. An example is the 600-mm (24-in.) minimum horizon‐ tal separation that usually applies between boxes installed on opposite sides of the wall. Assistance in complying with 830.26 can be found in building codes, fire resistance directories, and product listings.
Part II. Cables Outside and Entering Buildings
830.40 Entrance Cables. Network-powered broadband communications cables located outside and entering buildings shall comply with 830.40(A) and (B).
- Medium-Power Circuits. Medium-power network-powered broadband communications circuits located outside and enter‐ ing buildings shall be installed using Type BMU, Type BM, or Type BMR network-powered broadband communications medium-power cables.
- Low-Power Circuits. Low-power network-powered broad‐ band communications circuits located outside and entering buildings shall be installed using Type BLU or Type BLX low- power network-powered broadband communications cables. Cables shown in Table 830.154(b) shall be permitted to substi‐ tute.
Exception: Outdoor community antenna television and radio distribu‐ tion system coaxial cables installed prior to January 1, 2000, and installed in accordance with Article 820, shall be permitted for low- power-type, network-powered broadband communications circuits.
830.44 Overhead (Aerial) Cables. Overhead (aerial) network- powered broadband communications cables shall comply with 830.44(A) through (G).
Informational Note: For additional information regarding over‐ head (aerial) wires and cables, see ANSI C2-2007, National Elec‐ trical Safety Code, Part 2, Safety Rules for Overhead Lines.
- On Poles and In-Span. Where network-powered broad‐Power limitation, VA max(volt-amperes)1 Current limitation, I max(amperes)1Maximum power rating (volt- amperes)250 250
1000/V max 1000/V max
100 100band communications cables and electric light or power conductors are supported by the same pole or are run parallel to each other in-span, the conditions described in 830.44(A)- through (A)(4) shall be met.
- Relative Location. Where practicable, the network-Maximum voltage rating (volts) 100 150powered broadband communications cables shall be locatedMaximum overcurrent protection (amperes)2100/V max NAbelow the electric light or power conductors.1 V max, Imax, and VAmaxare determined with the current-limiting
- Attachment to Cross-Arms. Network-powered broadbandcommunications cables shall not be attached to a cross-armimpedance in the circuit (not bypassed) as follows:V max — Maximum system voltage regardless of load with rated input applied.I max — Maximum system current under any noncapacitive load, including short circuit, and with overcurrent protection bypassed if used. I max limits apply after 1 minute of operation.VA max — Maximum volt-ampere output after 1 minute of operation regardless of load and overcurrent protection bypassed if used.2Overcurrent protection is not required where the current-limiting device provides equivalent current limitation and the current-limiting device does not reset until power or the load is removed.that carries electric light or power conductors.
- Climbing Space. The climbing space through network- powered broadband communications wires and cables shall comply with the requirements of 225.14(D).
- Clearance. Lead-in or overhead (aerial)-drop network- powered broadband communications cables from a pole or other support, including the point of initial attachment to a building or structure, shall be kept away from electric light,
power, Class 1, or non–power-limited fire alarm circuit conduc‐ tors so as to avoid the possibility of accidental contact.Exception: Where proximity to electric light, power, Class 1, or non– power-limited fire alarm circuit conductors cannot be avoided, the installation shall provide clearances of not less than 300 mm (12 in.) from electric light, power, Class 1, or non–power-limited fire alarm circuit conductors. The clearance requirement shall apply to all points along the drop, and it shall increase to 1.02 m (40 in.) at the pole.
- through (A)(4) shall be met.
- Above Roofs. Network-powered broadband communica‐ tions cables shall have a vertical clearance of not less than2.5 m (8 ft) from all points of roofs above which they pass.Exception No. 1: Network-powered broadband communications cables shall not be required to have a vertical clearance of 2.5 m (8 ft) above auxillary buildings such as garages and the like.Exception No. 2: A reduction in clearance above only the overhanging portion of the roof to not less than 450 mm (18 in.) shall be permitted if(1) not more than 1.2 m (4 ft) of the broadband communications drop cables pass above the roof overhang, and (2) they are terminated at a through-the-roof raceway or support.Exception No. 3: Where the roof has a slope of not less than 100 mm in 300 mm (4 in. in 12 in.), a reduction in clearance to not less than 900 mm (3 ft) shall be permitted.
- Clearance from Ground. Overhead (aerial) spans of network-powered broadband communications cables shall conform to not less than the following:
- 2.9 m (91∕2 ft) — above finished grade, sidewalks, or from any platform or projection from which they might be reached and accessible to pedestrians only
- 3.5 m (111∕2 ft) — over residential property and driveways, and those commercial areas not subject to truck traffic
- 4.7 m (151∕2 ft) — over public streets, alleys, roads, park‐ ing areas subject to truck traffic, driveways on other than residential property, and other land traversed by vehicles such as cultivated, grazing, forest, and orchard
- Over Pools. Clearance of network-powered broadband communications cable in any direction from the water level, edge of pool, base of diving platform, or anchored raft shall comply with those clearances in 680.9.
- Final Spans. Final spans of network-powered broadband communications cables without an outer jacket shall be permit‐ ted to be attached to the building, but they shall be kept not less than 900 mm (3 ft) from windows that are designed to be opened, doors, porches, balconies, ladders, stairs, fire escapes, or similar locations.Exception: Conductors run above the top level of a window shall be permitted to be less than the 900-mm (3-ft) requirement above.Overhead (aerial) network-powered broadband communica‐ tions cables shall not be installed beneath openings through which materials might be moved, such as openings in farm andcommercial buildings, and shall not be installed where they obstruct entrance to these building openings.
- Between Buildings. Network-powered broadband commu‐ nications cables extending between buildings or structures, and also the supports or attachment fixtures, shall be identified as suitable for outdoor aerial applications and shall have sufficient strength to withstand the loads to which they may be subjected.Exception: Where a network-powered broadband communications cable does not have sufficient strength to be self-supporting, it shall be attached to a supporting messenger cable that, together with the attach‐ ment fixtures or supports, shall be acceptable for the purpose and shall have sufficient strength to withstand the loads to which they may be subjected.
- On Buildings. Where attached to buildings, network- powered broadband communications cables shall be securely fastened in such a manner that they are separated from other conductors in accordance with 830.44(G)(1) through (G)(4).
- Electric Light or Power. The network-powered broadband communications cable shall have a separation of at least 100 mm (4 in.) from electric light, power, Class 1, or non– power-limited fire alarm circuit conductors not in raceway or cable, or be permanently separated from conductors of the other system by a continuous and firmly fixed nonconductor in addition to the insulation on the wires.
- Other Communications Systems. Network-powered broad‐ band communications cables shall be installed so that there will be no unnecessary interference in the maintenance of the separate systems. In no case shall the conductors, cables, messenger strand, or equipment of one system cause abrasion to the conductors, cables, messenger strand, or equipment of any other system.
- Lightning Conductors. Where practicable, a separation of at least 1.8 m (6 ft) shall be maintained between any network- powered broadband communications cable and lightning conductors.
Informational Note: Specific separation distances may be calcu‐lated from the sideflash formula found in NFPA 780-2014, Stand‐ ard for the Installation of Lightning Protection Systems, Section 4.6. - Protection from Damage. Network-powered broadband communications cables attached to buildings or structures and located within 2.5 m (8 ft) of finished grade shall be protected by enclosures, raceways, or other approved means.
Exception: A low-power network-powered broadband communications circuit that is equipped with a listed fault protection device, appropriate to the network-powered broadband communications cable used, and located on the network side of the network-powered broadband commu‐ nications cable shall not be required to be additionally protected by enclosures, raceways, or other approved means.
830.47 Underground Network-Powered Broadband Communi‐ cations Cables Entering Buildings. Underground network- powered broadband communications cables entering buildings shall comply with 830.47(A) through 830.47(D).
- Underground Systems with Electric Light and Power, Class 1, or Non–Power-Limited Fire Alarm Circuit Conductors. Underground network-powered broadband communications cables in a duct, pedestal, handhole enclosure, or manhole that contains electric light, power conductors, non–power-limited fire alarm circuit conductors, or Class 1 circuits shall be in a
section permanently separated from such conductors by means of a suitable barrier. - Direct-Buried Cables and Raceways. Direct-buried network-powered broadband communications cables shall be separated by at least 300 mm (12 in.) from conductors of any light, power, non–power-limited fire alarm circuit conductors or Class 1 circuit.Exception No. 1: Separation shall not be required where electric service conductors or network-powered broadband communications cables are installed in raceways or have metal cable armor.Exception No. 2: Separation shall not be required where electric light or power branch-circuit or feeder conductors, non–power-limited fire alarm circuit conductors, or Class 1 circuit conductors are installed in a race‐ way or in metal-sheathed, metal-clad, or Type UF or Type USE cables; or the network-powered broadband communications cables have metal cable armor or are installed in a raceway.
- Mechanical Protection. Direct-buried cable, conduit, or other raceways shall be installed to meet the minimum cover requirements of Table 830.47(C). In addition, direct-buried cables emerging from the ground shall be protected by enclo‐ sures, raceways, or other approved means extending from the minimum cover distance required by Table 830.47(C) below grade to a point at least 2.5 m (8 ft) above finished grade. In no case shall the protection be required to exceed 450 mm (18 in.) below finished grade. Types BMU and BLU direct- buried cables emerging from the ground shall be installed in rigid metal conduit (RMC), intermediate metal conduit (IMC), rigid nonmetallic conduit, or other approved means extendingfrom the minimum cover distance required by Table 830.47(C) below grade to the point of entrance.Exception: A low-power network-powered broadband communications circuit that is equipped with a listed fault protection device, appropriate to the network-powered broadband communications cable used, and located on the network side of the network-powered broadband commu‐ nications cable being protected.
- Pools. Cables located under the pool or within the area extending 1.5 m (5 ft) horizontally from the inside wall of the pool shall meet those clearances and requirements specified in 680.11.
830.49 Metallic Entrance Conduit Grounding. Metallic conduit containing network-powered broadband communica‐ tions entrance cable shall be connected by a bonding conduc‐ tor or grounding electrode conductor to a grounding electrode in accordance with 830.100(B).
Part III. Protection
830.90 Primary Electrical Protection.
- Application. Primary electrical protection shall be provi‐ ded on all network-powered broadband communications conductors that are neither grounded nor interrupted and are run partly or entirely in aerial cable not confined within a block. Also, primary electrical protection shall be provided on all aerial or underground network-powered broadband communications conductors that are neither grounded nor interrupted and are located within the block containing the
Table 830.47(C) Network-Powered Broadband Communications Systems Minimum Cover Requirements (Cover is the shortest distance measured between a point on the top surface of any direct-buried cable, conduit, or other raceway and the top surface of finished grade, concrete, or similar cover.)
Location of
Rigid Metal Conduit (RMC) or Intermediate MetalNonmetallic Raceways Listed for Direct Burial; Without Concrete Encasement or Other Approved
Wiring MethodDirect Burial Cables
Racewaysor Circuitmmin.
mmin.All locations not specified below45018
30012In trench below 50-mm (2-in.) thick30012
1506concrete or equivalent
Under a building (in raceway only)000000Under minimum of 100-mm (4-in.)3001210041004thick concrete exterior slab with
no vehicular traffic and the slab
extending not less than 150 mm
(6 in.) beyond the underground
One- and two-family dwelling300123001230012driveways and outdoor parking
areas and used only for dwelling-
related purposes
Notes:- Raceways approved for burial only where concrete encased shall require a concrete envelope not less than 50 mm (2 in.) thick.
- Lesser depths shall be permitted where cables rise for terminations or splices or where access is otherwise required.
- Where solid rock is encountered, all wiring shall be installed in metal or nonmetallic raceway permitted for direct burial. The raceways shall be covered by a minimum of 50 mm (2 in.) of concrete extending down to rock.
- Low-power network-powered broadband communications circuits using directly buried community antenna television and radio distribution system coaxial cables that were installed outside and entering buildings prior to January 1, 2000, in accordance with Article 820 shall be permitted where buried to a minimum depth of 300 mm (12 in.).
building served so as to be exposed to lightning or accidental contact with electric light or power conductors operating at over 300 volts to ground.Exception: Primary electrical protection shall not be required on the network-powered broadband communications conductors where electri‐ cal protection is provided on the derived circuit(s) (output side of the NIU) in accordance with 830.90(B)(3).Informational Note No. 1: On network-powered broadband communications conductors not exposed to lightning or acci‐ dental contact with power conductors, providing primary electri‐ cal protection in accordance with this article helps protect against other hazards, such as ground potential rise caused by power fault currents, and above-normal voltages induced by fault currents on power circuits in proximity to the network- powered broadband communications conductors.Informational Note No. 2: Network-powered broadband communications circuits are considered to have a lightning exposure unless one or more of the following conditions exist:- Circuits in large metropolitan areas where buildings are close together and sufficiently high to intercept lightning.
- Areas having an average of five or fewer thunderstorm days each year and earth resistivity of less than 100 ohm- meters. Such areas are found along the Pacific coast.
Informational Note No. 3: For information on lightning protec‐tion systems, see NFPA 780-2014, Standard for the Installation of Lightning Protection Systems.- Fuseless Primary Protectors. Fuseless-type primary protec‐ tors shall be permitted where power fault currents on all protected conductors in the cable are safely limited to a value no greater than the current-carrying capacity of the primary protector and of the primary protector bonding conductor or grounding electrode conductor.
- Fused Primary Protectors. Where the requirements listed in 830.90(A)(1) are not met, fused-type primary protectors shall be used. Fused-type primary protectors shall consist of an arrester connected between each conductor to be protected and ground, a fuse in series with each conductor to be protec‐ ted, and an appropriate mounting arrangement. Fused primary protector terminals shall be marked to indicate line, instru‐ ment, and ground, as applicable.
- Location. The location of the primary protector, where required, shall comply with (B)(1), (B)(2), or (B)(3):
- A listed primary protector shall be applied on each network-powered broadband communications cable external to and on the network side of the network inter‐ face unit.
- The primary protector function shall be an integral part of and contained in the network interface unit. The network interface unit shall be listed as being suitable for application with network-powered broadband communi‐ cations systems and shall have an external marking indi‐ cating that it contains primary electrical protection.
- The primary protector(s) shall be provided on the derived circuit(s) (output side of the NIU), and the combination of the NIU and the protector(s) shall be listed as being suitable for application with network- powered broadband communications systems.
- Hazardous (Classified) Locations. The primary protector or equipment providing the primary protection function shall not be located in any hazardous (classified) location as defined in 500.5 and 505.5 or in the vicinity of easily ignitible material.
Exception: As permitted in 501.150, 502.150, and 503.150.
830.93 Grounding or Interruption of Metallic Members of Network-Powered Broadband Communications Cables. Network-powered communications cables entering buildings or attaching to buildings shall comply with 830.93(A) or (B).
For purposes of this section, grounding located at mobile home service equipment located within 9.0 m (30 ft) of the exterior wall of the mobile home it serves, or at a mobile home disconnecting means grounded in accordance with 250.32 and located within 9.0 m (30 ft) of the exterior wall of the mobile home it serves, shall be considered to meet the requirements of this section.
Informational Note: Selecting a grounding location to achieve the shortest practicable bonding conductor or grounding elec‐ trode conductor helps limit potential differences between the network-powered broadband communications circuits and other metallic systems.
- Entering Buildings. In installations where the network- powered communications cable enters the building, the shield shall be grounded in accordance with 830.100, and metallic members of the cable not used for communications or power‐ ing shall be grounded in accordance with 830.100 or interrup‐ ted by an insulating joint or equivalent device. The grounding or interruption shall be as close as practicable to the point of entrance.•
- Terminating Outside of the Building. In installations
where the network-powered communications cable is termina‐ ted outside of the building, the shield shall be grounded in accordance with 830.100, and metallic members of the cable not used for communications or powering shall be grounded in accordance with 830.100 or interrupted by an insulating joint or equivalent device. The grounding or interruption shall be as close as practicable to the point of attachment of the NIU.
Part IV. Grounding Methods
830.100 Cable, Network Interface Unit, and Primary Protector Bonding and Grounding. Network interface units containing protectors, NIUs with metallic enclosures, primary protectors, and the metallic members of the network-powered broadband communications cable that are intended to be bonded or
grounded shall be connected as specified in 830.100(A) through 830.100(D).
- Bonding Conductor or Grounding Electrode Conductor.
- Insulation. The bonding conductor or grounding elec‐ trode conductor shall be listed and shall be permitted to be insulated, covered, or bare.
- Material. The bonding conductor or grounding electrode conductor shall be copper or other corrosion-resistant conduc‐ tive material, stranded or solid.
- Size. The bonding conductor or grounding electrode conductor shall not be smaller than 14 AWG and shall have a current-carrying capacity not less than that of the grounded metallic member(s) and protected conductor(s) of the network-powered broadband communications cable. The bonding conductor or grounding electrode conductor shall not be required to exceed 6 AWG.
- Length. The bonding conductor or grounding electrode conductor shall be as short as practicable. In one- and two- family dwellings, the bonding conductor or grounding elec‐ trode conductor shall be as short as practicable, not to exceed6.0 m (20 ft) in length.Informational Note: Similar bonding conductor or grounding electrode conductor length limitations applied at apartment buildings and commercial buildings help to reduce voltages that may be developed between the building’s power and communi‐ cations systems during lightning events.Exception: In one- and two-family dwellings where it is not practicable to achieve an overall maximum bonding conductor or grounding elec‐ trode conductor length of 6.0 m (20 ft), a separate communications ground rod meeting the minimum dimensional criteria of 830.100(B)(3)(2) shall be driven, and the grounding electrode conduc‐ tor shall be connected to the communications ground rod in accordance with 830.100(C). The communications ground rod shall be bonded to the power grounding electrode system in accordance with 830.100(D).
- Run in Straight Line. The bonding conductor or ground‐ ing electrode conductor shall be run in as straight a line as practicable.
- Physical Protection. Bonding conductors and grounding electrode conductors shall be protected where exposed to phys‐ ical damage. Where the bonding conductor or grounding elec‐ trode conductor is installed in a metal raceway, both ends of the raceway shall be bonded to the contained conductor or to the same terminal or electrode to which the bonding conduc‐ tor or grounding electrode conductor is connected.
- Electrode. The bonding conductor or grounding elec‐ trode conductor shall be connected in accordance with 830.100(B)(1), 830.100(B)(2), or 830.100(B)(3).
- In Buildings or Structures with an Intersystem Bonding Termination. If the building or structure served has an inter‐ system bonding termination as required by 250.94, the bonding conductor shall be connected to the intersystem bonding termination.•
- In Buildings or Structures with Grounding Means. If anintersystem bonding termination is established, 250.94(A) shall apply.If the building or structure served has no intersystem bond‐ ing termination, the bonding conductor or grounding elec‐trode conductor shall be connected to the nearest accessible location on one of the following:
- The building or structure grounding electrode system as covered in 250.50
- The grounded interior metal water piping system, within1.5 m (5 ft) from its point of entrance to the building, as covered in 250.52
- The power service accessible means external to enclo‐ sures using the options identified in 250.94(A), Excep‐ tion
- The nonflexible metallic power service raceway
- The service equipment enclosure
- The grounding electrode conductor or the grounding electrode conductor metal enclosure of the power service
- The grounding electrode conductor or the grounding electrode of a building or structure disconnecting means that is connected to an electrode as covered in 250.32
- To any one of the individual grounding electrodes descri‐ bed in 250.52(A)(1), (A)(2), (A)(3), or (A)(4).
- If the building or structure served has no intersystem bonding termination or has no grounding means, as described in 830.100(B)(2) or (B)(3)(1), to any one of the individual grounding electrodes described in 250.52(A)(7) and (A)(8), or to a ground rod or pipe not less than 1.5 m (5 ft) in length and 12.7 mm (1∕2 in.) in diameter, driven, where practicable, into permanently damp earth and separated from lightning conductors as covered in 800.53 and at least 1.8 m (6 ft) from electrodes of other systems. Steam, hot water pipes, or lightning- protection system conductors shall not be employed as grounding electrodes for protectors, NIUs with integral protection, grounded metallic members, NIUs with metallic enclosures, and other equipment.
- Electrode Connection. Connections to grounding electro‐ des shall comply with 250.70.
- Bonding of Electrodes. A bonding jumper not smaller than 6 AWG copper or equivalent shall be connected between the network-powered broadband communications system grounding electrode and the power grounding electrode system at the building or structure served where separate elec‐ trodes are used.
Exception: At mobile homes as covered in 830.106.
Informational Note No. 1: See 250.60 for use of a connection to a lightning protection system.
Informational Note No. 2: Bonding together of all separate elec‐ trodes limits potential differences between them and between their associated wiring systems.
830.106 Grounding and Bonding at Mobile Homes.
- Grounding. Grounding shall comply with 830.106(A)(1) or (A)(2).
- Where there is no mobile home service equipment loca‐ ted within 9.0 m (30 ft) of the exterior wall of the mobile home it serves, the network-powered broadband commu‐ nications cable shield, network-powered broadband communications cable metallic members not used for communications or powering, network interface unit, and primary protector grounding terminal shall be connected to a grounding electrode conductor or grounding electrode in accordance with 830.100(B)(3).
- Where there is no mobile home disconnecting means grounded in accordance with 250.32 and located within
- Bonding. The network-powered broadband communica‐ tions cable grounding terminal, network interface unit ground‐ ing terminal, if present, and primary protector grounding terminal shall be bonded together with a copper bonding conductor not smaller than 12 AWG. The network-powered broadband communications cable grounding terminal, network interface unit grounding terminal, primary protector grounding terminal, or the grounding electrode shall be bonded to the metal frame or available grounding terminal of the mobile home with a copper bonding conductor not smaller than 12 AWG under any of the following conditions:
- Where there is no mobile home service equipment or disconnecting means as in 830.106(A)
- Where the mobile home is supplied by cord and plug
Part V. Installation Methods Within Buildings
830.110 Raceways and Cable Routing Assemblies for Network- Powered Broadband Communications Cables.
- Types of Raceways. Low-power network-powered broad‐ band communications cables shall be permitted to be installed in any raceway that complies with either 830.110(A)(1) or (A)(2) and in cable routing assemblies installed in compliance with 830.110(C). Medium-power network-powered broadband communications cables shall be permitted to be installed in any raceway that complies with 830.110(A)(1).
- Raceways Recognized in Chapter 3. Low- and medium- power network-powered broadband communications cables shall be permitted to be installed in any raceway included in Chapter 3. The raceways shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 3.
- Communications Raceways. Low-power network-powered broadband communications cables shall be permitted to be installed in plenum communications raceways, riser communi‐ cations raceways, and general-purpose communications race‐ ways, selected in accordance with Table 800.154(b), listed inaccordance with 800.182, and installed in accordance with 800.113 and 362.24 through 362.56, where the requirements applicable to electrical nonmetallic tubing apply.
- Innerduct for Low-Power Network-Powered Broadband Communications Cables. Listed plenum communications raceways, listed riser communications raceways, and listed general-purpose communications raceways selected in accord‐ ance with Table 800.154(b) shall be permitted to be installed as innerducts in any type of listed raceway permitted in Chapter 3.
- Raceway Fill for Network-Powered Broadband Communi‐ cations Cables. Raceway fill for network-powered broadband communications cables shall comply with either (B)(1) or (B)(2).
- Low-Power Network-Powered Broadband Communications Cables. The raceway fill requirements of Chapters 3 and 9 shall not apply to low-power network-powered broadband communications cables.
- Medium-Power Network-Powered Broadband Communica‐ tions Cables. Where medium-power network- powered broad‐ band communications cables are installed in a raceway, the raceway fill requirements of Chapters 3 and 9 shall apply.
- Cable Routing Assemblies. Low-power network-powered broadband communications cables shall be permitted to be installed in plenum cable routing assemblies, riser cable rout‐ ing assemblies, and general-purpose cable routing assemblies selected in accordance with Table 800.154(c), listed in accord‐ ance with 800.182, and installed in accordance with 800.110(C) and 800.113.
830.113 Installation of Network-Powered Broadband Commu‐
nications Cables. Installation of network-powered broadband communications cables shall comply with 830.113(A) through (I). Installation of raceways and cable routing assemblies shall comply with 830.110.
- Listing. Network-powered broadband communications cables installed in buildings shall be listed.
- Ducts Specifically Fabricated for Environmental Air. The following cables shall be permitted in ducts specifically fabrica‐ ted for environmental air as described in 300.22(B) if they are directly associated with the air distribution system:
- Up to 1.22 m (4 ft) of Type BLP
- Types BLP, BMR, BLR, BM, BL, and BLX installed in raceways that are installed in compliance with 300.22(B)
- Other Spaces Used For Environmental Air (Plenums). The following cables shall be permitted in other spaces used for environmental air as described in 300.22(C):
- Type BLP
- Type BLP installed in plenum communications raceways (3) Type BLP installed in plenum cable routing assemblies
- Type BLP supported by open metallic cable trays or cable tray systems
- Types BLP, BMR, BLR, BM, BL, and BLX installed in raceways that are installed in compliance with 300.22(C)
- Types BLP, BMR, BLR, BM, BL, and BLX supported by solid-bottom metal cable trays with solid metal covers in
other spaces used for environmental air (plenums) as described in 300.22(C) - Types BLP, BLR, BM, BL, and BLX installed in plenum communications raceways, riser communications race‐ ways, or general-purpose communications raceways supported by solid bottom metal cable trays with solid metal covers in other spaces used for environmental air (plenums) as described in 300.22(C)
- Risers — Cables in Vertical Runs. The following cables shall be permitted in vertical runs penetrating one or more floors and in vertical runs in a shaft:
- Types BLP, BMR, and BLR
- Types BLP and BLR installed in the following:
- Plenum communications raceways
- Plenum cable routing assemblies
- Riser communications raceways
- Riser cable routing assemblies
- Risers — Cables and Innerducts in Metal Raceways. The following cables and innerducts shall be permitted in a metal raceway in a riser with firestops at each floor:
- Types BLP, BMR, BLR, BM, BL, and BLX
- Types BLP, BLR, and BL installed in the following:
- Plenum communications raceways (innerduct)
- Riser communications raceways (innerduct)
- General-purpose communications raceways (inner‐ duct)
- Risers — Cables in Fireproof Shafts. The following cables shall be permitted to be installed in fireproof riser shafts with firestops at each floor:
- Types BLP, BMR, BLR, BM, BL, and BLX
- Types BLP, BLR, and BL installed in the following:
- Plenum communications raceways
- Plenum cable routing assemblies
- Riser communications raceways
- Riser cable routing assemblies
- General-purpose communications raceways
- General-purpose cable routing assemblies
- Risers — One- and Two-Family Dwellings. The following cables shall be permitted in one- and two-family dwellings:
- Types BLP, BMR, BLR, BM, BL, and BLX less than 10 mm (3∕8 in.) in diameter
- Types BLP, BLR, and BL installed in the following:
- Plenum communications raceways
- Plenum cable routing assemblies
- Riser communications raceways
- Riser cable routing assemblies
- General-purpose communications raceways
- General-purpose cable routing assemblies
- Cable Trays. The following cables shall be permitted to be supported by cable trays:
- Types BLP, BMR, BLR, BM, and BL
- Types BLP, BLR, and BL installed in the following:
- Plenum communications raceways
- Riser communications raceways
- General-purpose communications raceways
(I) Other Building Locations. The following cables shall be permitted to be installed in building locations other than those covered in 830.113(B) through (H):
- Types BLP, BMR, BLR, BM, and BL
- Types BLP, BMR, BLR, BM, BL, and BLX installed in raceways recognized in Chapter 3
- Types BLP, BLR, and BL installed in the following:
- Plenum communications raceways
- Plenum cable routing assemblies
- Riser communications raceways
- Riser cable routing assemblies
- General-purpose communications raceways
- General-purpose cable routing assemblies
- Type BLX less than 10 mm (3∕8 in.) in diameter in one- and two-family dwellings
- Types BMU and BLU entering the building from outside and run in rigid metal conduit (RMC) or intermediate metal conduit (IMC) where the conduit is connected by a bonding conductor or grounding electrode conductor in accordance with 830.100(B)Informational Note: This provision limits the length of Type BLX cable to 15 m (50 ft), while 830.90(B) requires that the primary protector, or NIU with integral protec‐ tion, be located as close as practicable to the point at which the cable enters the building. Therefore, in installa‐ tions requiring a primary protector, or NIU with integral protection, Type BLX cable may not be permitted to extend 15 m (50 ft) into the building if it is practicable to place the primary protector closer than 15 m (50 ft) to the entrance point.
- A maximum length of 15 m (50 ft), within the building, of Type BLX cable entering the building from outside and terminating at an NIU or a primary protection loca‐ tion
830.133 Installation of Network-Powered Broadband Commu‐ nications Cables and Equipment. Cable and equipment instal‐ lations within buildings shall comply with 830.133(A) and (B), as applicable.
- Separation of Conductors.
- In Raceways, Cable Trays, Boxes, Enclosures, and Cable Routing Assemblies.•
- Low- and Medium-Power Network-Powered Broadband Communications Circuit Cables. Low- and medium-power network-powered broadband communications cables shall be permitted in the same raceway, cable tray, box, enclosure, or cable routing assembly.
- Low-Power Network-Powered Broadband Communications Circuit Cables with Other Circuits. Low-power network-powered broadband communications cables shall be permitted in the same raceway, cable tray, box, enclosure, or cable routing assembly with jacketed cables of any of the following circuits:
- Class 2 and Class 3 remote-control, signaling, and power- limited circuits in compliance with Parts I and III of Arti‐ cle 725
- Power-limited fire alarm systems in compliance with Parts I and III of Article 760
- Communications circuits in compliance with Parts I andV of Article 800
- Nonconductive and conductive optical fiber cables in compliance with Parts I and V of Article 770
- Community antenna television and radio distribution systems in compliance with Parts I and V of Article 820
- Medium-Power Network-Powered Broadband Communica‐ tions Circuit Cables with Optical Fiber Cables and Other Communica‐ tions Cables. Medium-power network-powered broadband communications cables shall not be permitted in the same raceway, cable tray, box, enclosure, or cable routing assembly with conductors of any of the following circuits:
- Communications circuits in compliance with Parts I and V of Article 800
- Conductive optical fiber cables in compliance with Parts I and V of Article 770
- Community antenna television and radio distribution systems in compliance with Parts I and V of Article 820
- Medium-Power Network-Powered Broadband Communica‐ tions Circuit Cables with Other Circuits. Medium-power network- powered broadband communications cables shall not be permitted in the same raceway, cable tray, box, enclosure, or cable routing assembly with conductors of any of the following circuits:
- Class 2 and Class 3 remote-control, signaling, and power- limited circuits in compliance with Parts I and III of Arti‐ cle 725
- Power-limited fire alarm systems in compliance with Parts I and III of Article 760
- Electric Light, Power, Class 1, Non–Powered Broadband Communications Circuit Cables. Network-powered broadband communications cable shall not be placed in any raceway, cable tray, compartment, outlet box, junction box, or similar fittings with conductors of electric light, power, Class 1, or non–power- limited fire alarm circuit cables.Exception No. 1: Where all of the conductors of electric light, power, Class 1, non–power-limited fire alarm circuits are separated from all of the network-powered broadband communications cables by a permanent barrier or listed divider.Exception No. 2: Power circuit conductors in outlet boxes, junction boxes, or similar fittings or compartments where such conductors are introduced solely for power supply to the network-powered broadband communications system distribution equipment. The power circuit conductors shall be routed within the enclosure to maintain a minimum 6 mm (1∕4 in.) separation from network-powered broadband communica‐ tions cables.(2) Other Applications. Network-powered broadband communications cable shall be separated at least 50 mm (2 in.) from conductors of any electric light, power, Class 1, and non– power-limited fire alarm circuits.Exception No. 1: Separation shall not be required where: (1) all of the conductors of electric light, power, Class 1, and non–power-limited fire alarm circuits are in a raceway, or in metal-sheathed, metal-clad, nonmetallic-sheathed, Type AC, or Type UF cables, or (2) all of the network-powered broadband communications cables are encased in a raceway.Exception No. 2: Separation shall not be required where the network- powered broadband communications cables are permanently separated from the conductors of electric light, power, Class 1, and non–power- limited fire alarm circuits by a continuous and firmly fixed nonconduc‐ tor, such as porcelain tubes or flexible tubing, in addition to the insulation on the wire.
- In Raceways, Cable Trays, Boxes, Enclosures, and Cable Routing Assemblies.•
- Support of Network-Powered Broadband Communications Cables. Raceways shall be used for their intended purpose. Network-powered broadband communications cables shall not be strapped, taped, or attached by any means to the exterior of any conduit or raceway as a means of support.
830.154 Applications of Network-Powered Broadband Communications System Cables. Permitted and nonpermitted applications of listed network-powered broadband communica‐ tions system cables shall be as indicated in Table 830.154(a). The permitted applications shall be subject to the installation requirements of 830.40, 830.110, and 830.113. The substitu‐ tions for network-powered broadband system cables listed in Table 830.154(b) shall be permitted.
830.160 Bends. Bends in network broadband cable shall be made so as not to damage the cable.
Part VI. Listing Requirements
- Network-Powered Broadband Communications Equip‐ ment and Cables. Network-powered broadband communica‐ tions equipment and cables shall be listed and marked in accordance with 830.179(A) or (B). Network-powered broad‐ band communications cables shall have a temperature rating of not less than 60°C (140°F). Temperature rating shall be marked on the jacket of network-powered broadband commu‐ nications cables that have a temperature rating exceeding 60°C (140°F).Exception No. 1: This listing requirement shall not apply to community antenna television and radio distribution system coaxial cables that were installed prior to January 1, 2000, in accordance with Article 820 and are used for low-power network-powered broadband communica‐ tions circuits.Exception No. 2: Substitute cables for network-powered broadband communications cables shall be permitted as shown in Table 830.154(b).
- Network-Powered Broadband Communications Medium- Power Cables. Network-powered broadband communications medium-power cables shall be factory-assembled cables consist‐ ing of a jacketed coaxial cable, a jacketed combination of coaxial cable and multiple individual conductors, or a jacketed combination of an optical fiber cable and multiple individual conductors. The insulation for the individual conductors shall be rated for 300 volts minimum. Cables intended for outdoor use shall be listed as suitable for the application. Cables shall be marked in accordance with 310.120.
- Type BMR. Type BMR cables shall be listed as being suita‐ ble for use in a vertical run in a shaft or from floor to floor and shall also be listed as having fire-resistant characteristics capa‐ ble of preventing the carrying of fire from floor to floor.Informational Note: One method of defining fire-resistant char‐ acteristics capable of preventing the carrying of fire from floor to floor is that the cables pass the requirements of ANSI/ UL 1666-2011, Standard Test for Flame Propagation Height of Electri‐ cal and Optical-Fiber Cable Installed Vertically in Shafts.
Table 830.154(a) Applications of Listed Network-Powered Broadband Cables in Buildings
ApplicationsListed Network-Powered Broadband Cable Types
BLXBMU, BLUInducts specifically fabricated for environmental air as described in 300.22(B)In fabricated ducts as described in 300.22(B)Y*NNNNNNIn metal raceway that complies with 300.22(B)Y*Y*Y*Y*Y*Y*NIn other spaces used for environmental air (plenums) as described in 300.22(C)In other spaces used for environmental air as described in 300.22(C)Y*NNNNNNIn metal raceway that complies with 300.22(C)Y*Y*Y*Y*Y*Y*NIn plenum communications racewaysY*NNNNNNIn plenum cable routing assembliesY*NNNNNNSupported by open metal cable traysY*NNNNNNSupported by solid-bottom metal cable trays with solid metal coversY*Y*Y*Y*Y*Y*NIn risersIn vertical runsY*Y*NY*NNNIn metal racewaysY*Y*Y*Y*Y*Y*NIn fireproof shaftsY*Y*Y*Y*Y*Y*NIn plenum communications racewaysY*Y*NNNNNIn plenum cable routing assembliesY*Y*NNNNNIn riser communications racewaysY*Y*NNNNNIn riser cable routing assembliesY*Y*NNNNNIn one- and two-family dwellingsY*Y*Y*Y*Y*Y*NWithin buildings in other than air-handling spaces and risersGeneralY*Y*Y*Y*Y*Y*NIn one- and two-family dwellingsY*Y*Y*Y*Y*Y*NSupported by cable traysY*Y*Y*Y*Y*NNIn rigid metal conduit (RMC) and intermediate metal conduit (IMC)Y*Y*Y*Y*Y*Y*Y*In any raceway recognized in Chapter 3Y*Y*Y*Y*Y*Y*NIn plenum communications racewaysY*Y*Y*NNNNIn plenum cable routing assembliesY*Y*Y*NNNNIn riser communications racewaysY*Y*Y*NNNNIn riser cable routing assembliesY*Y*Y*NNNNIn general-purpose communications racewaysY*Y*Y*NNNNIn general-purpose cable routing assembliesY*Y*Y*NNNNNote: An “N” in the table indicates that the cable type shall not be permitted to be installed in the application. A “Y*” indicates that the cable type shall be permitted to be installed in the application subject to the limitations described in 830.113.Informational Note No. 1: Part V of Article 830 covers installation methods within buildings. This table covers the applications of listed network- powered broadband communications cables in buildings. The definition of Point of Entrance is in 830.2.Informational Note No. 2: For information on the restrictions to the installation of network-powered broadband communications cables in ducts specifically fabricated for environmental air, see 830.113(B).•
Table 830.154(b) Cable SubstitutionsCable Type Permitted Cable Substitutions
- Type BM. Type BM cables shall be listed as being suitable for general-purpose use, with the exception of risers and plenums, and shall also be listed as being resistant to the spread of fire.Informational Note: One method of defining resistant to the spread of fire is that the cables do not spread fire to the top of the tray in the UL Flame Exposure, Vertical Tray Flame Test in ANSI/UL 1685-2010, Standard for Safety for Vertical-Tray Fire- Propagation and Smoke-Release Test for Electrical and Optical-Fiber Cables. The smoke measurements in the test method are not applicable.Another method of defining resistant to the spread of fire is for the damage (char length) not to exceed 1.5 m (4 ft 11 in.) when performing the CSA Vertical Flame Test — Cables in Cable Trays, as described in CSA C22.2 No. 0.3-09, Test Methods for Electrical Wires and Cables.
- Type BMU. Type BMU cables shall be jacketed and listed as being suitable for outdoor underground use.
- Type BMR. Type BMR cables shall be listed as being suita‐ ble for use in a vertical run in a shaft or from floor to floor and shall also be listed as having fire-resistant characteristics capa‐ ble of preventing the carrying of fire from floor to floor.Informational Note: One method of defining fire-resistant char‐ acteristics capable of preventing the carrying of fire from floor to floor is that the cables pass the requirements of ANSI/ UL 1666-2011, Standard Test for Flame Propagation Height of Electri‐ cal and Optical-Fiber Cable Installed Vertically in Shafts.
- Network-Powered Broadband Communication Low-Power Cables. Network-powered broadband communications low- power cables shall be factory-assembled cables consisting of a jacketed coaxial cable, a jacketed combination of coaxial cable and multiple individual conductors, or a jacketed combination of an optical fiber cable and multiple individual conductors. The insulation for the individual conductors shall be rated for 300 volts minimum. Cables intended for outdoor use shall be listed as suitable for the application. Cables shall be marked in accordance with 310.120.
- Type BLP. Type BLP cables shall be listed as being suita‐ ble for use in ducts, plenums, and other spaces used for envi‐ ronmental air and shall also be listed as having adequate fire- resistant and low-smoke producing characteristics.Informational Note: One method of defining a cable that is low- smoke producing cable and fire-resistant cable is that the cable exhibits a maximum peak optical density of 0.50 or less, an aver‐ age optical density of 0.15 or less, and a maximum flame spread distance of 1.52 m (5 ft) or less when tested in accordance with NFPA 262-2015, Standard Method of Test for Flame Travel and Smoke of Wires and Cables for Use in Air-Handling Spaces.
- Type BLR. Type BLR cables shall be listed as being suita‐ ble for use in a vertical run in a shaft, or from floor to floor, and shall also be listed as having fire-resistant characteristics capable of preventing the carrying of fire from floor to floor.Informational Note: One method of defining fire-resistant char‐ acteristics capable of preventing the carrying of fire from floor to floor is that the cables pass the requirements of ANSI/ UL 1666-2011, Standard Test for Flame Propagation Height of Electri‐ cal and Optical-Fiber Cable Installed Vertically in Shafts.
- Type BL. Type BL cables shall be listed as being suitable for general-purpose use, with the exception of risers andplenums, and shall also be listed as being resistant to the spread of fire.Informational Note: One method of defining resistant to the spread of fire is that the cables do not spread fire to the top of the tray in the UL Flame Exposure, Vertical Tray Flame Test in ANSI/UL 1685-2010, Standard for Safety for Vertical-Tray Fire- Propagation and Smoke-Release Test for Electrical and Optical-Fiber Cables. The smoke measurements in the test method are not applicable.Another method of defining resistant to the spread of fire is for the damage (char length) not to exceed 1.5 m (4 ft 11 in.) when performing the CSA Vertical Flame Test — Cables in Cable Trays, as described in CSA C22.2 No. 0.3-09, Test Methods for Electrical Wires and Cables.
- Type BLX. Type BLX limited-use cables shall be listed as being suitable for use outside, for use in dwellings, and for use in raceways and shall also be listed as being resistant to flame spread.Informational Note: One method of determining that cable is resistant to flame spread is by testing the cable to VW-1 (vertical- wire) flame test in ANSI/UL 1581-2011, Reference Standard for Electrical Wires, Cables and Flexible Cords.
- Type BLU. Type BLU cables shall be jacketed and listed as being suitable for outdoor underground use.
- Network-Powered Broadband Communications Medium- Power Cables. Network-powered broadband communications medium-power cables shall be factory-assembled cables consist‐ ing of a jacketed coaxial cable, a jacketed combination of coaxial cable and multiple individual conductors, or a jacketed combination of an optical fiber cable and multiple individual conductors. The insulation for the individual conductors shall be rated for 300 volts minimum. Cables intended for outdoor use shall be listed as suitable for the application. Cables shall be marked in accordance with 310.120.
- Grounding Devices. Where bonding or grounding is required, devices used to connect a shield, a sheath, or non– current-carrying metallic members of a cable to a bonding conductor, or grounding electrode conductor, shall be listed or be part of listed equipment.