Article 358
Electrical Metallic Tubing: Type EMT
Part I. General
- Scope. This article covers the use, installation, and construction specifications for electrical metallic tubing (EMT) and associated fittings.
- Definition.
Electrical Metallic Tubing (EMT). An unthreaded thinwall raceway of circular cross section designed for the physical protection and routing of conductors and cables and for use as an equipment grounding conductor when installed utilizing appropriate fittings.
358.6 Listing Requirements. EMT, factory elbows, and associ‐ ated fittings shall be listed.
Part II. Installation
358.10 Uses Permitted.

- In concrete, in direct contact with the earth or in areassubject to severe corrosive influences where installed in accordance with 358.10(B)
- In dry, damp, and wet locations
- In any hazardous (classified) location as permitted by other articles in this Code
- Exposed and Concealed. The use of EMT shall be permit‐ ted for both exposed and concealed work for the following:
- Corrosive Environments.
- Galvanized Steel and Stainless Steel EMT, Elbows, and Fittings. Galvanized steel and stainless steel EMT, elbows, and fittings shall be permitted to be installed in concrete, in direct contact with the earth, or in areas subject to severe corrosive influences where protected by corrosion protection and approved as suitable for the condition.
- Supplementary Protection of Aluminum EMT. Aluminum EMT shall be provided with approved supplementary corrosion protection where encased in concrete or in direct contact with the earth.
- Galvanized Steel and Stainless Steel EMT, Elbows, and Fittings. Galvanized steel and stainless steel EMT, elbows, and fittings shall be permitted to be installed in concrete, in direct contact with the earth, or in areas subject to severe corrosive influences where protected by corrosion protection and approved as suitable for the condition.
- Cinder Fill. Galvanized steel and stainless steel EMT shall be permitted to be installed in cinder concrete or cinder fill where subject to permanent moisture when protected on all sides by a layer of noncinder concrete at least 50 mm (2 in.) thick or when the tubing is installed at least 450 mm (18 in.) under the fill.
- Wet Locations. All supports, bolts, straps, screws, and so forth shall be of corrosion-resistant materials or protected against corrosion by corrosion-resistant materials.
Informational Note: See 300.6 for protection against corrosion.
358.12 Uses Not Permitted. EMT shall not be used under the following conditions:
- Where subject to severe physical damage
- For the support of luminaires or other equipment except conduit bodies no larger than the largest trade size of the tubing
358.14 Dissimilar Metals. Where practicable, dissimilar metals in contact anywhere in the system shall be avoided to eliminate the possibility of galvanic action. Aluminum fittings and enclo‐ sures shall be permitted to be used with galvanized steel EMT, and galvanized steel fittings and enclosures shall be permitted to be used with aluminum EMT where not subject to severe corrosive influences. Stainless steel EMT shall only be used with stainless steel fittings and approved accessories, outlet boxes, and enclosures.

358.20 Size.
- Minimum. EMT smaller than metric designator 16 (trade size 1∕2) shall not be used.Exception: For enclosing the leads of motors as permitted in 430.245(B).
- Maximum. The maximum size of EMT shall be metric designator 103 (trade size 4).
Informational Note: See 300.1(C) for the metric designators and trade sizes. These are for identification purposes only and do not relate to actual dimensions.
358.22 Number of Conductors. The number of conductors shall not exceed that permitted by the percentage fill specified in Table 1, Chapter 9.
Cables shall be permitted to be installed where such use is not prohibited by the respective cable articles. The number of cables shall not exceed the allowable percentage fill specified in Table 1, Chapter 9.
358.24 Bends — How Made. Bends shall be made so that the tubing is not damaged and the internal diameter of the tubing is not effectively reduced. The radius of the curve of any field bend to the centerline of the tubing shall not be less than shown in Table 2, Chapter 9 for one-shot and full shoe bend‐ ers.
358.26 Bends — Number in One Run. There shall not be more than the equivalent of four quarter bends (360 degrees total) between pull points, for example, conduit bodies and boxes.
358.28 Reaming and Threading.
- Reaming. All cut ends of EMT shall be reamed or other‐ wise finished to remove rough edges.
- Threading. EMT shall not be threaded.
Exception: EMT with factory threaded integral couplings complying with 358.100.
358.30 Securing and Supporting. EMT shall be installed as a complete system in accordance with 300.18 and shall be securely fastened in place and supported in accordance with 358.30(A) and (B).
- Securely Fastened. EMT shall be securely fastened in place at intervals not to exceed 3 m (10 ft). In addition, each EMT run between termination points shall be securely fastened within 900 mm (3 ft) of each outlet box, junction box, device box, cabinet, conduit body, or other tubing termination.Exception No. 1: Fastening of unbroken lengths shall be permitted to be increased to a distance of 1.5 m (5 ft) where structural members do not readily permit fastening within 900 mm (3 ft).ARTICLE 360 — FLEXIBLE METALLIC TUBING: TYPE FMT 360.56
Exception No. 2: For concealed work in finished buildings or prefin‐ ished wall panels where such securing is impracticable, unbroken lengths (without coupling) of EMT shall be permitted to be fished. - Supports. Horizontal runs of EMT supported by openings through framing members at intervals not greater than 3 m (10 ft) and securely fastened within 900 mm (3 ft) of termina‐ tion points shall be permitted.
358.42 Couplings and Connectors. Couplings and connectors used with EMT shall be made up tight. Where buried in masonry or concrete, they shall be concretetight type. Where installed in wet locations, they shall comply with 314.15.
358.56 Splices and Taps. Splices and taps shall be made in accordance with 300.15.
358.60 Grounding. EMT shall be permitted as an equipment grounding conductor.
Part III. Construction Specifications
358.100 Construction. EMT shall be made of one of the following:
- Steel with protective coatings
- Aluminum
- Stainless steel
358.120 Marking. EMT shall be clearly and durably marked at least every 3 m (10 ft) as required in the first sentence of 110.21(A).