Article 340
Underground Feeder and Branch-Circuit Cable: Type UF
Part I. General
- Scope. This article covers the use, installation, and construction specifications for underground feeder and branch-circuit cable, Type UF.
- Definition.
Underground Feeder and Branch-Circuit Cable, Type UF. A factory assembly of one or more insulated conductors with an integral or an overall covering of nonmetallic material suitable for direct burial in the earth.

340.6 Listing Requirements. Type UF cable and associated fittings shall be listed.
Part II. Installation
340.10 Uses Permitted. Type UF cable shall be permitted as follows:
- For use underground, including direct burial in the earth. For underground requirements, see 300.5.
- As single-conductor cables. Where installed as single- conductor cables, all conductors of the feeder grounded conductor or branch circuit, including the grounded conductor and equipment grounding conductor, if any, shall be installed in accordance with 300.3.
- For wiring in wet, dry, or corrosive locations under the recognized wiring methods of this Code.
- Installed as nonmetallic-sheathed cable. Where so instal‐ led, the installation and conductor requirements shall comply with Parts II and III of Article 334 and shall be of the multiconductor type.
- For solar photovoltaic systems in accordance with 690.31.
- As single-conductor cables as the nonheating leads for heating cables as provided in 424.43.340.12 ARTICLE 342 — INTERMEDIATE METAL CONDUIT: TYPE IMC
- Supported by cable trays. Type UF cable supported by cable trays shall be of the multiconductor type.
Informational Note: See 310.15(A)(3) for temperature limita‐ tion of conductors.
340.12 Uses Not Permitted. Type UF cable shall not be used as follows:
- As service-entrance cable
- In commercial garages
- In theaters and similar locations
- In motion picture studios
- In storage battery rooms
- In hoistways or on elevators or escalators
- In hazardous (classified) locations, except as specifically permitted by other articles in this Code
- Embedded in poured cement, concrete, or aggregate, except where embedded in plaster as nonheating leads where permitted in 424.43
- Where exposed to direct rays of the sun, unless identi‐ fied as sunlight resistant
- Where subject to physical damage
- As overhead cable, except where installed as messenger- supported wiring in accordance with Part II of Article 396
340.24 Bending Radius. Bends in Type UF cable shall be so made that the cable is not damaged. The radius of the curve of the inner edge of any bend shall not be less than five times the diameter of the cable.
340.80 Ampacity. The ampacity of Type UF cable shall be that of 60°C (140°F) conductors in accordance with 310.15.
Part III. Construction Specifications
340.104 Conductors. The conductors shall be sizes 14 AWG copper or 12 AWG aluminum or copper-clad aluminum through 4/0 AWG.
340.108 Equipment Grounding Conductor. In addition to the insulated conductors, the cable shall be permitted to have an insulated or bare equipment grounding conductor.
340.112 Insulation. The conductors of Type UF shall be one of the moisture-resistant types listed in Table 310.104(A) that is suitable for branch-circuit wiring or one that is identified for such use. Where installed as a substitute wiring method for NM cable, the conductor insulation shall be rated 90°C (194°F).
340.116 Sheath. The overall covering shall be flame retard‐ ant; moisture, fungus, and corrosion resistant; and suitable for direct burial in the earth.