Article 338

Service-Entrance Cable: Types SE and USE

Part I. General

  1. Scope. This article covers the use, installation, and construction specifications of service-entrance cable.
  2. Definitions.

Service-Entrance Cable. A single conductor or multiconductor assembly provided with or without an overall covering, primar‐ ily used for services, and of the following types:

Type SE. Service-entrance cable having a flame-retardant, moisture-resistant covering.

Type USE. Service-entrance cable, identified for underground use, having a moisture-resistant covering, but not required to have a flame-retardant covering.



338.6 Listing Requirements. Type SE and USE cables and associated fittings shall be listed.

Part II. Installation

338.10 Uses Permitted.

  1. Service-Entrance Conductors. Service-entrance cable shall be permitted to be used as service-entrance conductors and shall be installed in accordance with 230.6, 230.7, and Parts II, III, and IV of Article 230.
  2. Branch Circuits or Feeders.
    1. Grounded Conductor Insulated. Type SE service-entrance cables shall be permitted in wiring systems where all of the circuit conductors of the cable are of the thermoset or thermo‐ plastic type.
    2. Use of Uninsulated Conductor. Type SE service-entrance cable shall be permitted for use where the insulated conductors are used for circuit wiring and the uninsulated conductor is used only for equipment grounding purposes.Exception: In existing installations, uninsulated conductors shall be permitted as a grounded conductor in accordance with 250.32 and 250.140, where the uninsulated grounded conductor of the cable origi‐ nates in service equipment, and with 225.30 through 225.40.
    3. Temperature Limitations. Type SE service-entrance cable used to supply appliances shall not be subject to conductor temperatures in excess of the temperature specified for the type of insulation involved.ARTICLE 340 — UNDERGROUND FEEDER AND BRANCH-CIRCUIT CABLE: TYPE UF 340.10
    4. Installation Methods for Branch Circuits and Feeders.
      1. Interior Installations. In addition to the provisions of this article, Type SE service-entrance cable used for interior wiring shall comply with the installation requirements of Part II of Article 334, excluding 334.80.For Type SE cable with ungrounded conductor sizes 10 AWG and smaller, where installed in thermal insulation, the ampacity shall be in accordance with 60°C (140°F) conductor tempera‐ ture rating. The maximum conductor temperature rating shall be permitted to be used for ampacity adjustment and correc‐ tion purposes, if the final derated ampacity does not exceed that for a 60°C (140°F) rated conductor.Informational Note No. 1: See 310.15(A)(3) for temperature limitation of conductors.Informational Note No. 2: For the installation of main power feeder conductors in dwelling units refer to 310.15(B)(7).
      2. Exterior Installations. In addition to the provisions of this article, service-entrance cable used for feeders or branch circuits, where installed as exterior wiring, shall be installed in accordance with Part I of Article 225. The cable shall be supported in accordance with 334.30. Type USE cable installed as underground feeder and branch circuit cable shall comply with Part II of Article 340.

Exception: Single-conductor Type USE and multi-rated USE conductors shall not be subject to the ampacity limitations of Part II of Article 340.

338.12 Uses Not Permitted.

  1. Service-Entrance Cable. Service-entrance cable (SE) shall not be used under the following conditions or in the following locations:
    1. Where subject to physical damage unless protected in accordance with 230.50(B)
    2. Underground with or without a raceway
    3. For exterior branch circuits and feeder wiring unless the installation complies with the provisions of Part I of Arti‐ cle 225 and is supported in accordance with 334.30 or is used as messenger-supported wiring as permitted in Part II of Article 396
  2. Underground Service-Entrance Cable. Underground service-entrance cable (USE) shall not be used under the following conditions or in the following locations:
  1. For interior wiring
  2. For aboveground installations except where USE cable emerges from the ground and is terminated in an enclo‐ sure at an outdoor location and the cable is protected in accordance with 300.5(D)
  3. As aerial cable unless it is a multiconductor cable identi‐ fied for use aboveground and installed as messenger- supported wiring in accordance with 225.10 and Part II of Article 396

338.24 Bending Radius. Bends in Types USE and SE cable shall be so made that the cable will not be damaged. The radius of the curve of the inner edge of any bend, during or after installation, shall not be less than five times the diameter of the cable.

Part III. Construction Specifications

338.100 Construction. Cabled, single-conductor, Type USE constructions recognized for underground use shall be permit‐

ted to have a bare copper conductor cabled with the assembly. Type USE single, parallel, or cabled conductor assemblies recognized for underground use shall be permitted to have a bare copper concentric conductor applied. These construc‐ tions shall not require an outer overall covering.

Informational Note: See 230.41, Exception, item (2), for directly buried, uninsulated service-entrance conductors.

Type SE or USE cable containing two or more conductors shall be permitted to have one conductor uninsulated.

338.120 Marking. Service-entrance cable shall be marked as required in 310.120. Cable with the neutral conductor smaller than the ungrounded conductors shall be so marked.
