Article 324

Flat Conductor Cable: Type FCC

Part I. General

  1. Scope. This article covers a field-installed wiring system for branch circuits incorporating Type FCC cable and associ‐ ated accessories as defined by the article. The wiring system is designed for installation under carpet squares.
  2. Definitions.

Bottom Shield. A protective layer that is installed between the floor and Type FCC flat conductor cable to protect the cable from physical damage and may or may not be incorporated as an integral part of the cable.

Cable Connector. A connector designed to join Type FCC cables without using a junction box.

FCC System. A complete wiring system for branch circuits that is designed for installation under carpet squares.

Informational Note: The FCC system includes Type FCC cable and associated shielding, connectors, terminators, adapters, boxes, and receptacles.


Insulating End. An insulator designed to electrically insulate the end of a Type FCC cable.

Metal Shield Connections. Means of connection designed to electrically and mechanically connect a metal shield to another metal shield, to a receptacle housing or self-contained device, or to a transition assembly.

Top Shield. A grounded metal shield covering under-carpet components of the FCC system for the purposes of providing protection against physical damage.

Transition Assembly. An assembly to facilitate connection of the FCC system to other wiring systems, incorporating (1) a means of electrical interconnection and (2) a suitable box or covering for providing electrical safety and protection against physical damage.

Type FCC Cable. Three or more flat copper conductors placed edge-to-edge and separated and enclosed within an insulating assembly.

324.6 Listing Requirements. Type FCC cable and associated fittings shall be listed.

Part II. Installation

324.10 Uses Permitted.

  1. Branch Circuits. Use of FCC systems shall be permitted both for general-purpose and appliance branch circuits and for individual branch circuits.
  2. Branch-Circuit Ratings.
    1. Voltage. Voltage between ungrounded conductors shall not exceed 300 volts. Voltage between ungrounded conductors and the grounded conductor shall not exceed 150 volts.
    2. Current. General-purpose and appliance branch circuits shall have ratings not exceeding 20 amperes. Individual branch circuits shall have ratings not exceeding 30 amperes.
  3. Floors. Use of FCC systems shall be permitted on hard, sound, smooth, continuous floor surfaces made of concrete, ceramic, or composition flooring, wood, and similar materials.
  4. Walls. Use of FCC systems shall be permitted on wall surfaces in surface metal raceways.
  5. Damp Locations. Use of FCC systems in damp locations shall be permitted.
  6. Heated Floors. Materials used for floors heated in excess of 30°C (86°F) shall be identified as suitable for use at these temperatures.
  7. System Height. Any portion of an FCC system with a height above floor level exceeding 2.3 mm (0.090 in.) shall be tapered or feathered at the edges to floor level.

324.12 Uses Not Permitted. FCC systems shall not be used in the following locations:

  1. Outdoors or in wet locations
  2. Where subject to corrosive vapors
  3. In any hazardous (classified) location
  4. In residential buildings
  5. In school and hospital buildings, other than administra‐ tive office areas

324.18 Crossings. Crossings of more than two Type FCC cable runs shall not be permitted at any one point. Crossings of a Type FCC cable over or under a flat communications or signal cable shall be permitted. In each case, a grounded layer of metal shielding shall separate the two cables, and crossings of more than two flat cables shall not be permitted at any one point.

324.30 Securing and Supporting. All FCC system components shall be firmly anchored to the floor or wall using an adhesive or mechanical anchoring system identified for this use. Floors shall be prepared to ensure adherence of the FCC system to the floor until the carpet squares are placed.

  1. Boxes and Fittings.
    1. Cable Connections and Insulating Ends. All Type FCC cable connections shall use connectors identified for their use, installed such that electrical continuity, insulation, and sealing against dampness and liquid spillage are provided. All bare cable ends shall be insulated and sealed against dampness and liquid spillage using listed insulating ends.
    2. Polarization of Connections. All receptacles and connec‐ tions shall be constructed and installed so as to maintain proper polarization of the system.
    3. Shields.
      1. Top Shield. A metal top shield shall be installed over all floor-mounted Type FCC cable, connectors, and insulating ends. The top shield shall completely cover all cable runs, corners, connectors, and ends.
      2. Bottom Shield. A bottom shield shall be installed beneath all Type FCC cable, connectors, and insulating ends.
    4. Connection to Other Systems. Power feed, grounding connection, and shield system connection between the FCC system and other wiring systems shall be accomplished in a transition assembly identified for this use.
    5. Metal-Shield Connectors. Metal shields shall be connec‐ ted to each other and to boxes, receptacle housings, self- contained devices, and transition assemblies using metal-shield connectors.
  2. Floor Coverings. Floor-mounted Type FCC cable, cable connectors, and insulating ends shall be covered with carpet squares not larger than 1.0 m (39.37 in.) square. Carpet squares that are adhered to the floor shall be attached with release-type adhesives.
  3. Devices.
  1. Receptacles. All receptacles, receptacle housings, and self-contained devices used with the FCC system shall be identi‐ fied for this use and shall be connected to the Type FCC cable and metal shields. Connection from any grounding conductor of the Type FCC cable shall be made to the shield system at each receptacle.
  2. Receptacles and Housings. Receptacle housings and self- contained devices designed either for floor mounting or for in- wall or on-wall mounting shall be permitted for use with the FCC system. Receptacle housings and self-contained devices shall incorporate means for facilitating entry and termination of Type FCC cable and for electrically connecting the housing or device with the metal shield. Receptacles and self-contained devices shall comply with 406.4. Power and communications


outlets installed together in common housing shall be permit‐ ted in accordance with 800.133(A)(1)(d), Exception No. 2.

324.56 Splices and Taps.

  1. FCC Systems Alterations. Alterations to FCC systems shall be permitted. New cable connectors shall be used at new connection points to make alterations. It shall be permitted to leave unused cable runs and associated cable connectors in place and energized. All cable ends shall be covered with insu‐ lating ends.
  2. Transition Assemblies. All transition assemblies shall be identified for their use. Each assembly shall incorporate means for facilitating entry of the Type FCC cable into the assembly, for connecting the Type FCC cable to grounded conductors, and for electrically connecting the assembly to the metal cable shields and to equipment grounding conductors.

324.60 Grounding. All metal shields, boxes, receptacle hous‐ ings, and self-contained devices shall be electrically continuous to the equipment grounding conductor of the supplying branch circuit. All such electrical connections shall be made with connectors identified for this use. The electrical resistivity of such shield system shall not be more than that of one conductor of the Type FCC cable used in the installation.

Part III. Construction Specifications

  1. Construction.
    1. Type FCC Cable. Type FCC cable shall be listed for use with the FCC system and shall consist of three, four, or five flat copper conductors, one of which shall be an equipment grounding conductor.
    2. Shields.
      1. Materials and Dimensions. All top and bottom shields shall be of designs and materials identified for their use. Top shields shall be metal. Both metallic and nonmetallic materials shall be permitted for bottom shields.
      2. Resistivity. Metal shields shall have cross-sectional areas that provide for electrical resistivity of not more than that of one conductor of the Type FCC cable used in the installation.
  2. Corrosion Resistance. Metal components of the system shall be either corrosion resistant, coated with corrosion-resistant materials, or insulated from contact with corrosive substances.

324.112 Insulation. The insulating material of the cable shall be moisture resistant and flame retardant. All insulating mate‐ rials in the FCC systems shall be identified for their use.

324.120 Markings.

  1. Cable Marking. Type FCC cable shall be clearly and dura‐ bly marked on both sides at intervals of not more than 610 mm (24 in.) with the information required by 310.120(A) and with the following additional information:
    1. Material of conductors
    2. Maximum temperature rating
    3. Ampacity
  2. Conductor Identification. Conductors shall be clearly and durably identified on both sides throughout their length as specified in 310.110.