Article 220
Branch-Circuit, Feeder, and Service Load Calculations
Part I. General
220.1 Scope. This article provides requirements for calculat‐ ing branch-circuit, feeder, and service loads. Part I provides general requirements for calculation methods. Part II provides calculation methods for branch-circuit loads. Parts III and IV provide calculation methods for feeder and service loads. Part V provides calculation methods for farm loads.
Neutral Loads
Part IV Optional feeder and service load calculations
Part III Feeder and service load calculations
Informational Note No. 2: See Figure 220.1 for information on the organization of Article 220.
Part I General
Part II Branch-circuit load calculations
Part V Farm load calculations
Farm dwellings only
Farm dwellings only
FIGURE 220.1 Branch-Circuit, Feeder, and Service Load Calculation Methods.
220.3 Other Articles for Specific-Purpose Calculations. Table 220.3 shall provide references for specific-purpose calculation requirements not located in Chapters 5, 6, or 7 that amend or supplement the requirements of this article.
220.5 Calculations.
- Voltages. Unless other voltages are specified, for purposes of calculating branch-circuit and feeder loads, nominal system voltages of 120, 120/240, 208Y/120, 240, 347, 480Y/277, 480, 600Y/347, and 600 volts shall be used.
- Fractions of an Ampere. Calculations shall be permitted to be rounded to the nearest whole ampere, with decimal frac‐ tions smaller than 0.5 dropped.
Part II. Branch-Circuit Load Calculations
220.10 General. Branch-circuit loads shall be calculated as shown in 220.12, 220.14, and 220.16.
220.12 Lighting Load for Specified Occupancies. A unit load of not less than that specified in Table 220.12 for occupancies specified shall constitute the minimum lighting load. The floor area for each floor shall be calculated from the outside dimen‐ sions of the building, dwelling unit, or other area involved. For dwelling units, the calculated floor area shall not include open porches, garages, or unused or unfinished spaces not adaptable for future use.
Informational Note: The unit values are based on minimum load conditions and 100 percent power factor and may not provide sufficient capacity for the installation contemplated.
Exception No. 1: Where the building is designed and constructed to comply with an energy code adopted by the local authority, the lighting load shall be permitted to be calculated at the values specified in the energy code where the following conditions are met:
- A power monitoring system is installed that will provide continu‐ ous information regarding the total general lighting load of the building.
- The power monitoring system will be set with alarm values to alert the building owner or manager if the lighting load exceeds the values set by the energy code.
- The demand factors specified in 220.42 are not applied to the general lighting load.
Table 220.3 Specific-Purpose Calculation References

Calculation Article Section (or Part)
Air-conditioning and refrigerating equipment, branch-
- circuit conductor sizing
branch-circuit sizing | ||
Fixed electric space-heating equipment, branch-circuit sizing | 424 | 424.3 |
Fixed outdoor electric deicing and snow-melting equipment, | 426 | 426.4 |
branch-circuit sizingMotors, feeder demand factor | 430 | 430.26 |
Motors, multimotor and combination-load equipment | 430 | 430.25 |
Motors, several motors or a motor(s) and other load(s) | 430 | 430.24 |
Over 600-volt branch-circuit calculations | 210 | 210.19(B) |
Over 600-volt feeder calculations | 215 | 215.2(B) |
Phase converters, conductors | 455 | 455.6 |
Storage-type water heaters | 422 | 422.11(E) |
Fixed electric heating equipment for pipelines and vessels,
440 Part IV
427 427.4
Exception No. 2: Where a building is designed and constructed to
comply with an energy code adopted by the local authority and specify‐ ing an overall lighting density of less than 13.5 volt-amperes/13.5 m2 (1.2 volt-amperes/1.2 ft2), the unit lighting loads in Table 220.12 for office and bank areas within the building shall be permitted to be reduced by 11 volt-amperes/11 m2 (1 volt-amperes/1 ft2).
220.14 Other Loads — All Occupancies. In all occupancies, the minimum load for each outlet for general-use receptacles and outlets not used for general illumination shall not be less than that calculated in 220.14(A) through (L), the loads shown being based on nominal branch-circuit voltages.
Exception: The loads of outlets serving switchboards and switching frames in telephone exchanges shall be waived from the calculations.
- Specific Appliances or Loads. An outlet for a specific appliance or other load not covered in 220.14(B) through (L) shall be calculated based on the ampere rating of the appliance or load served.
Table 220.12 General Lighting Loads by Occupancy - Electric Dryers and Electric Cooking Appliances in Dwell‐ ings and Household Cooking Appliances Used in Instructional Programs. Load calculations shall be permitted as specified in220.54 for electric dryers and in 220.55 for electric ranges and other cooking appliances.
- Motor Outlets. Loads for motor outlets shall be calcula‐ ted in accordance with the requirements in 430.22, 430.24, and 440.6.
- Luminaires. An outlet supplying luminaire(s) shall be calculated based on the maximum volt-ampere rating of the equipment and lamps for which the luminaire(s) is rated.
- Heavy-Duty Lampholders. Outlets for heavy-duty lamp‐ holders shall be calculated at a minimum of 600 volt-amperes.
- Sign and Outline Lighting. Sign and outline lighting outlets shall be calculated at a minimum of 1200 volt-amperes for each required branch circuit specified in 600.5(A).
- Show Windows. Show windows shall be calculated in accordance with either of the following:linear
- The unit load per outlet as required in other provisions of this section
Unit Load
- At 200 volt-amperes per window
Type of OccupancyVolt-amperes/ m2Volt-amperes/ ft2
- The unit load per outlet as required in other provisions of this section
- Fixed Multioutlet Assemblies. Fixed multioutlet assem‐ blies used in other than dwelling units or the guest rooms or guest suites of hotels or motels shall be calculated in accord‐Armories and auditoriums 11 1Banks 39b 31∕2 bance with (H)(1) or (H)(2). For the purposes of this section, the calculation shall be permitted to be based on the portionChurches111Clubs222Courtrooms222Dwelling unitsa333Garages — commercial61∕2Barber shops and beauty parlors(storage)33 3that contains receptacle outlets.
- Where appliances are unlikely to be used simultaneously, each 1.5 m (5 ft) or fraction thereof of each separate and continuous length shall be considered as one outlet of not less than 180 volt-amperes.
- Where appliances are likely to be used simultaneously, each 300 mm (1 ft) or fraction thereof shall be consid‐ ered as an outlet of not less than 180 volt-amperes.
Hospitals 22 2
Hotels and motels, including apartment houses without provision for cooking by tenantsa
Lodge rooms | 17 | 11∕2 |
Office buildings | 39b | 31∕2 b |
Restaurants | 22 | 2 |
Schools | 33 | 3 |
Stores | 33 | 3 |
Warehouses (storage) | 3 | 1∕4 |
In any of the preceding | ||
occupancies except one- |
Industrial commercial (loft) buildings
family dwellings and individual dwelling units of two-family and multifamily dwellings:
Assembly halls and auditoriums
Halls, corridors, closets, stairways
22 2
22 2
11 1
6 1∕2
- Receptacle Outlets. Except as covered in 220.14(J) and (K), receptacle outlets shall be calculated at not less than 180 volt-amperes for each single or for each multiple recepta‐ cle on one yoke. A single piece of equipment consisting of a multiple receptacle comprised of four or more receptacles shall be calculated at not less than 90 volt-amperes per recepta‐ cle. This provision shall not be applicable to the receptacle outlets specified in 210.11(C)(1) and (C)(2).
- Dwelling Occupancies. In one-family, two-family, and multifamily dwellings and in guest rooms or guest suites of hotels and motels, the outlets specified in (J)(1), (J)(2), and (J)(3) are included in the general lighting load calculations of220.12. No additional load calculations shall be required for such outlets.
- All general-use receptacle outlets of 20-ampere rating or less, including receptacles connected to the circuits in 210.11(C)(3)
- The receptacle outlets specified in 210.52(E) and (G)
- The lighting outlets specified in 210.70(A) and (B)
- Banks and Office Buildings. In banks or office buildings, the receptacle loads shall be calculated to be the larger of (1) or (2):
- The calculated load from 220.14(I)
- 11 volt-amperes/m2 or 1 volt-ampere/ft2
- Other Outlets. Other outlets not covered in 220.14(A) through (K) shall be calculated based on 180 volt-amperes per outlet.
220.16 Loads for Additions to Existing Installations.
- Dwelling Units. Loads added to an existing dwelling unit(s) shall comply with the following as applicable:
- Loads for structural additions to an existing dwelling unit or for a previously unwired portion of an existing dwell‐ ing unit, either of which exceeds 46.5 m2 (500 ft2), shall be calculated in accordance with 220.12 and 220.14.
- Loads for new circuits or extended circuits in previously wired dwelling units shall be calculated in accordance with either 220.12 or 220.14, as applicable.
- Other Than Dwelling Units. Loads for new circuits or extended circuits in other than dwelling units shall be calcula‐ ted in accordance with either 220.12 or 220.14, as applicable.
220.18 Maximum Loads. The total load shall not exceed the rating of the branch circuit, and it shall not exceed the maxi‐ mum loads specified in 220.18(A) through (C) under the conditions specified therein.
be applied in determining the number of branch circuits for general illumination.
- Show-Window and Track Lighting.
- Show Windows. For show-window lighting, a load of not less than 660 volt-amperes/linear meter or 200 volt-amperes/ linear foot shall be included for a show window, measured hori‐ zontally along its base.Informational Note: See 220.14(G) for branch circuits supplying show windows.
- Track Lighting. For track lighting in other than dwelling units or guest rooms or guest suites of hotels or motels, an additional load of 150 volt-amperes shall be included for every 600 mm (2 ft) of lighting track or fraction thereof. Where multicircuit track is installed, the load shall be considered to be divided equally between the track circuits.
- Receptacle Loads — Other Than Dwelling Units.
Receptacle loads calculated in accordance with 220.14(H) and
- shall be permitted to be made subject to the demand factors given in Table 220.42 or Table 220.44.
Table 220.42 Lighting Load Demand Factors- Motor-Operated and Combination Loads. Where a circuit supplies only motor-operated loads, Article 430 shall apply. Where a circuit supplies only air-conditioning equipment, refrigerating equipment, or both, Article 440 shall apply. For circuits supplying loads consisting of motor-operated utilization
Type of OccupancyPortion of Lighting Load to Which Demand Factor Applies(Volt-Amperes)
Demand Factor (%)equipment that is fastened in place and has a motor larger than 1∕8 hp in combination with other loads, the total calculated load shall be based on 125 percent of the largest motor load plus the sum of the other loads. - Inductive and LED Lighting Loads. For circuits supplying lighting units that have ballasts, transformers, autotransform‐Dwelling units First 3000 at 100From 3001 to 120,000 at 35
Remainder over 120,000 at 25Hospitals* First 50,000 or less at 40Remainder over 50,000 at 20
ers, or LED drivers, the calculated load shall be based on the total ampere ratings of such units and not on the total watts of the lamps.
- Range Loads. It shall be permissible to apply demand factors for range loads in accordance with Table 220.55, includ‐ ing Note 4.
- Motor-Operated and Combination Loads. Where a circuit supplies only motor-operated loads, Article 430 shall apply. Where a circuit supplies only air-conditioning equipment, refrigerating equipment, or both, Article 440 shall apply. For circuits supplying loads consisting of motor-operated utilization
Hotels and motels,

including apartment houses without provision for cooking by tenants*

Warehouses (storage)
First 20,000 or less at 50
From 20,001 to 100,000 at 40
Remainder over 100,000 at
First 12,500 or less at 100
Remainder over 12,500 at 50
Part III. Feeder and Service Load Calculations
220.40 General. The calculated load of a feeder or service shall not be less than the sum of the loads on the branch circuits supplied, as determined by Part II of this article, after any applicable demand factors permitted by Part III or IV or required by Part V have been applied.
Informational Note: See Examples D1(a) through D10 in Infor‐ mative Annex D. See 220.18(B) for the maximum load in
All others Total volt-amperes 100
*The demand factors of this table shall not apply to the calculated load of feeders or services supplying areas in hospitals, hotels, and motels where the entire lighting is likely to be used at one time, as in operating rooms, ballrooms, or dining rooms.
Table 220.44 Demand Factors for Non-Dwelling Receptacle Loads
amperes permitted for lighting units operating at less than
100 percent power factor.
220.42 General Lighting. The demand factors specified in Table 220.42 shall apply to that portion of the total branch- circuit load calculated for general illumination. They shall not
Portion of Receptacle Load to Which Demand Factor Applies

(Volt-Amperes) Demand Factor (%)
First 10 kVA or less at 100
Remainder over 10 kVA at 50
- Motors. Motor loads shall be calculated in accordance with 430.24, 430.25, and 430.26 and with 440.6 for hermetic refrigerant motor-compressors.Table 220.54 Demand Factors for Household Electric Clothes Dryers
- Fixed Electric Space Heating. Fixed electric space- heating loads shall be calculated at 100 percent of the totalNumber of DryersDemand Factor (%)connected load. However, in no case shall a feeder or service load current rating be less than the rating of the largest branch circuit supplied.Exception: Where reduced loading of the conductors results from units operating on duty-cycle, intermittently, or from all units not operating at the same time, the authority having jurisdiction may grant permis‐ sion for feeder and service conductors to have an ampacity less than 100 percent, provided the conductors have an ampacity for the load so determined.
- Small-Appliance and Laundry Loads — Dwelling Unit.
- Small-Appliance Circuit Load. In each dwelling unit, the load shall be calculated at 1500 volt-amperes for each 2-wire small-appliance branch circuit as covered by 210.11(C)(1). Where the load is subdivided through two or more feeders, the calculated load for each shall include not less than 1500 volt- amperes for each 2-wire small-appliance branch circuit. These loads shall be permitted to be included with the general light‐ ing load and subjected to the demand factors provided in Table 220.42.Exception: The individual branch circuit permitted by 210.52(B)(1), Exception No. 2, shall be permitted to be excluded from the calculation required by 220.52.
- Laundry Circuit Load. A load of not less than 1500 volt- amperes shall be included for each 2-wire laundry branch circuit installed as covered by 210.11(C)(2). This load shall be permitted to be included with the general lighting load and shall be subjected to the demand factors provided in Table 220.42.
- Appliance Load — Dwelling Unit(s). It shall be permissible to apply a demand factor of 75 percent to the nameplate rating load of four or more appliances fastened in place, other than electric ranges, clothes dryers, space-heating equipment, or air-conditioning equipment, that are served by the same feeder or service in a one-family, two-family, or multi‐ family dwelling.
- Electric Clothes Dryers — Dwelling Unit(s). The load for household electric clothes dryers in a dwelling unit(s) shall be either 5000 watts (volt-amperes) or the nameplate rating, whichever is larger, for each dryer served. The use of the demand factors in Table 220.54 shall be permitted. Where two or more single-phase dryers are supplied by a 3-phase, 4-wire feeder or service, the total load shall be calculated on the basis of twice the maximum number connected between any two phases. Kilovolt-amperes (kVA) shall be considered equivalent to kilowatts (kW) for loads calculated in this section.
- Electric Cooking Appliances in Dwelling Units and Household Cooking Appliances Used in Instructional Programs. The load for household electric ranges, wall- mounted ovens, counter-mounted cooking units, and other household cooking appliances individually rated in excess of 13∕4 kW shall be permitted to be calculated in accordance with Table 220.55. Kilovolt-amperes (kVA) shall be considered equivalent to kilowatts (kW) for loads calculated under this section.1–4 1005 856 757 658 609 5510 5011 47
12–23 47% minus 1% for each dryerexceeding 11
24–42 35% minus 0.5% for each dryerexceeding 23
43 and over 25%
Where two or more single-phase ranges are supplied by a 3-phase, 4-wire feeder or service, the total load shall be calcula‐ ted on the basis of twice the maximum number connected between any two phases.Informational Note No. 1: See the examples in Informative Annex D.Informational Note No. 2: See Table 220.56 for commercial cooking equipment. - Kitchen Equipment — Other Than Dwelling Unit(s). It shall be permissible to calculate the load for commercial elec‐ tric cooking equipment, dishwasher booster heaters, water heaters, and other kitchen equipment in accordance with Table 220.56. These demand factors shall be applied to all equipment that has either thermostatic control or intermittent use as kitchen equipment. These demand factors shall not apply to space-heating, ventilating, or air-conditioning equip‐ ment.
However, in no case shall the feeder or service calculated load be less than the sum of the largest two kitchen equipment loads.
- Noncoincident Loads. Where it is unlikely that two or more noncoincident loads will be in use simultaneously, it shall be permissible to use only the largest load(s) that will be used at one time for calculating the total load of a feeder or service.
- Feeder or Service Neutral Load.
- Basic Calculation. The feeder or service neutral load shall be the maximum unbalance of the load determined by this arti‐ cle. The maximum unbalanced load shall be the maximum net calculated load between the neutral conductor and any one ungrounded conductor.Exception: For 3-wire, 2-phase or 5-wire, 2-phase systems, the maximum unbalanced load shall be the maximum net calculated load between the neutral conductor and any one ungrounded conductor multiplied by 140 percent.
Table 220.55 Demand Factors and Loads for Household Electric Ranges, Wall-Mounted Ovens, Counter-Mounted Cooking Units, and Other Household Cooking Appliances over 13∕4 kW Rating (Column C to be used in all cases except as otherwise permitted in Note 3.)
Number of AppliancesDemand Factor (%) (See Notes)Column C Maximum Demand (kW)(See Notes)(Not over 12 kW Rating)Column (Less than 31∕2AkW Rating)Column B(31∕2 kW through 83∕4 kW Rating)180808275651137055144665017562452065943217564022853362395135241049342511473226124532271343322814413229154032301639283117382832183728331936283420352835213426362233263723322638243126392530264026–3031–403030242215 kW + 1 kW for each range41–50302025 kW + 3∕4 kW for each range51–603018
61 and over3016
Notes:- Over 12 kW through 27 kW ranges all of same rating. For ranges individually rated more than 12 kW but not more than 27 kW, the maximum demand in Column C shall be increased 5 percent for each additional kilowatt of rating or major fraction thereof by which the rating of individual ranges exceeds 12 kW.
- Over 83∕4 kW through 27 kW ranges of unequal ratings. For ranges individually rated more than 83∕4 kW and of different ratings, but none exceeding 27 kW, an average value of rating shall be calculated by adding together the ratings of all ranges to obtain the total connected load (using 12 kW for any range rated less than 12 kW) and dividing by the total number of ranges. Then the maximum demand in Column C shall be increased 5 percent for each kilowatt or major fraction thereof by which this average value exceeds 12 kW.
- Over 13∕4 kW through 83∕4 kW. In lieu of the method provided in Column C, it shall be permissible to add the nameplate ratings of all household cooking appliances rated more than 13∕4 kW but not more than 83∕4 kW and multiply the sum by the demand factors specified in Column A or Column B for the given number of appliances. Where the rating of cooking appliances falls under both Column A and Column B, the demand factors for each column shall be applied to the appliances for that column, and the results added together.
- Branch-Circuit Load. It shall be permissible to calculate the branch-circuit load for one range in accordance with Table 220.55. The branch-circuit load for one wall-mounted oven or one counter-mounted cooking unit shall be the nameplate rating of the appliance. The branch-circuit load for a counter-mounted cooking unit and not more than two wall-mounted ovens, all supplied from a single branch circuit and located in the same room, shall be calculated by adding the nameplate rating of the individual appliances and treating this total as equivalent to one range.
- This table shall also apply to household cooking appliances rated over 13∕4 kW and used in instructional programs.
Table 220.56 Demand Factors for Kitchen Equipment — Other Than Dwelling Unit(s)Demand Factor
- General Loads. The general calculated load shall be not less than 100 percent of the first 10 kVA plus 40 percent of the remainder of the following loads:
- 33 volt-amperes/m2 or 3 volt-amperes/ft2 for generalNumber of Units of Equipment(%)lighting and general-use receptacles. The floor area for
1 1002 1003 904 805 706 and over 65
- Permitted Reductions. A service or feeder supplying the following loads shall be permitted to have an additional demand factor of 70 percent applied to the amount in 220.61(B)(1) or portion of the amount in 220.61(B)(2) deter‐ mined by the following basic calculations:
- A feeder or service supplying household electric ranges, wall-mounted ovens, counter-mounted cooking units, and electric dryers, where the maximum unbalanced load has been determined in accordance with Table 220.55 for ranges and Table 220.54 for dryers
- That portion of the unbalanced load in excess of 200 amperes where the feeder or service is supplied from a 3-wire dc or single-phase ac system; or a 4-wire, 3-phase system; or a 3-wire, 2-phase system; or a 5-wire, 2-phase system
- Prohibited Reductions. There shall be no reduction of the neutral or grounded conductor capacity applied to the amount in 220.61(C)(1), or portion of the amount in (C)(2), from that determined by the basic calculation:
- Any portion of a 3-wire circuit consisting of 2 ungroun‐ ded conductors and the neutral conductor of a 4-wire, 3-phase, wye-connected system
- That portion consisting of nonlinear loads supplied from a 4-wire, wye-connected, 3-phase system
Part IV. Optional Feeder and Service Load Calculations220.80 General. Optional feeder and service load calculations shall be permitted in accordance with Part IV.- Dwelling Unit.(A) Feeder and Service Load. This section applies to a dwell‐ ing unit having the total connected load served by a single 120/240-volt or 208Y/120-volt set of 3-wire service or feeder conductors with an ampacity of 100 or greater. It shall be permissible to calculate the feeder and service loads in accord‐ ance with this section instead of the method specified in Part III of this article. The calculated load shall be the result of adding the loads from 220.82(B) and (C). Feeder and service- entrance conductors whose calculated load is determined by this optional calculation shall be permitted to have the neutral load determined by 220.61.each floor shall be calculated from the outside dimen‐ sions of the dwelling unit. The calculated floor area shall not include open porches, garages, or unused or unfin‐ ished spaces not adaptable for future use.
- 1500 volt-amperes for each 2-wire, 20-ampere small- appliance branch circuit and each laundry branch circuit covered in 210.11(C)(1) and (C)(2).
- The nameplate rating of the following:
- All appliances that are fastened in place, permanently connected, or located to be on a specific circuit
- Ranges, wall-mounted ovens, counter-mounted cook‐ ing units
- Clothes dryers that are not connected to the laundry branch circuit specified in item (2)
- Water heaters
- The nameplate ampere or kVA rating of all permanently connected motors not included in item (3).
- 100 percent of the nameplate rating(s) of the air condi‐ tioning and cooling.
- 100 percent of the nameplate rating(s) of the heat pump when the heat pump is used without any supplemental electric heating.
- 100 percent of the nameplate rating(s) of the heat pump compressor and 65 percent of the supplemental electric heating for central electric space-heating systems. If the heat pump compressor is prevented from operating at the same time as the supplementary heat, it does not need to be added to the supplementary heat for the total central space heating load.
- 65 percent of the nameplate rating(s) of electric space heating if less than four separately controlled units.
- 40 percent of the nameplate rating(s) of electric space heating if four or more separately controlled units.
- 100 percent of the nameplate ratings of electric thermal storage and other heating systems where the usual load is expected to be continuous at the full nameplate value. Systems qualifying under this selection shall not be calcu‐ lated under any other selection in 220.82(C).
- Existing Dwelling Unit. This section shall be permitted to be used to determine if the existing service or feeder is of sufficient capacity to serve additional loads. Where the dwelling unit is served by a 120/240-volt or 208Y/120-volt, 3-wire service, it shall be permissible to calculate the total load in accordance with 220.83(A) or (B).
- Where Additional Air-Conditioning Equipment or Electric Space-Heating Equipment Is Not to Be Installed. The follow‐ ing percentages shall be used for existing and additional new loads.
Load (kVA) Percent of LoadFirst 8 kVA of load at 100Remainder of load at 40
Load calculations shall include the following:- General lighting and general-use receptacles at 33 volt- amperes/m2 or 3 volt-amperes/ft2 as determined by 220.12
- 1500 volt-amperes for each 2-wire, 20-ampere small- appliance branch circuit and each laundry branch circuit covered in 210.11(C)(1) and (C)(2)
- The nameplate rating of the following:
- All appliances that are fastened in place, permanently connected, or located to be on a specific circuit
- Ranges, wall-mounted ovens, counter-mounted cook‐ ing units
- Clothes dryers that are not connected to the laundry branch circuit specified in item (2)
- Water heaters
- Where Additional Air-Conditioning Equipment or Electric Space-Heating Equipment Is to Be Installed. The following percentages shall be used for existing and additional new loads. The larger connected load of air conditioning or space heat‐ ing, but not both, shall be used.
Load Percent of LoadAir-conditioning equipment 100Central electric space heating 100
(3) Each dwelling unit is equipped with either electric space heating or air conditioning, or both. Feeders and service conductors whose calculated load is determined by this optional calculation shall be permitted to have the neutral load determined by 220.61.- House Loads. House loads shall be calculated in accord‐ ance with Part III of this article and shall be in addition to the dwelling unit loads calculated in accordance with Table 220.84.
- Calculated Loads. The calculated load to which the demand factors of Table 220.84 apply shall include the follow‐ ing:
- 33 volt-amperes/m2 or 3 volt-amperes/ft2 for general lighting and general-use receptacles
- 1500 volt-amperes for each 2-wire, 20-ampere small- appliance branch circuit and each laundry branch circuit covered in 210.11(C)(1) and (C)(2)
- The nameplate rating of the following:
- All appliances that are fastened in place, permanently connected, or located to be on a specific circuit
- Ranges, wall-mounted ovens, counter-mounted cook‐ ing units
- Clothes dryers that are not connected to the laundry branch circuit specified in item (2)
- Water heaters
- The nameplate ampere or kVA rating of all permanently connected motors not included in item (3)First 8 kVA of all other loads 100Remainder of all other loads 40Other loads shall include the following:(1) General lighting and general-use receptacles at 33 volt- amperes/m2 or 3 volt-amperes/ft2 as determined by 220.12
- The larger of the air-conditioning load or the fixed elec‐tric space-heating load
Table 220.84 Optional Calculations — Demand Factors for Three or More Multifamily Dwelling Units- 1500 volt-amperes for each 2-wire, 20-ampere small- Number of Dwelling UnitsDemand Factor (%)3–5456–7448–1043114212–134114–154016–173918–2038213722–233624–253526–273428–3033313232–333134–363037–382939–422843–452746–502651–552556–612462 and over23appliance branch circuit and each laundry branch circuit covered in 210.11(C)(1) and (C)(2)
- The nameplate rating of the following:
- All appliances that are fastened in place, permanently connected, or located to be on a specific circuit
- Ranges, wall-mounted ovens, counter-mounted cook‐ ing units
- Clothes dryers that are not connected to the laundry branch circuit specified in item (2)
- Water heaters
- Where Additional Air-Conditioning Equipment or Electric Space-Heating Equipment Is Not to Be Installed. The follow‐ ing percentages shall be used for existing and additional new loads.
- Permitted Reductions. A service or feeder supplying the following loads shall be permitted to have an additional demand factor of 70 percent applied to the amount in 220.61(B)(1) or portion of the amount in 220.61(B)(2) deter‐ mined by the following basic calculations:
- Multifamily Dwelling.(A) Feeder or Service Load. It shall be permissible to calcu‐ late the load of a feeder or service that supplies three or more dwelling units of a multifamily dwelling in accordance with Table 220.84 instead of Part III of this article if all the following conditions are met:
- No dwelling unit is supplied by more than one feeder.
- Each dwelling unit is equipped with electric cooking equipment.
- Two Dwelling Units. Where two dwelling units are supplied by a single feeder and the calculated load under Part III of this article exceeds that for three identical units calculated under 220.84, the lesser of the two loads shall be permitted to be used.
- Schools. The calculation of a feeder or service load for schools shall be permitted in accordance with Table 220.86 in lieu of Part III of this article where equipped with electric space heating, air conditioning, or both. The connected load to which the demand factors of Table 220.86 apply shall include all of the interior and exterior lighting, power, water heating, cooking, other loads, and the larger of the air-conditioning load or space-heating load within the building or structure.Feeders and service conductors whose calculated load is determined by this optional calculation shall be permitted to have the neutral load determined by 220.61. Where the build‐ ing or structure load is calculated by this optional method, feeders within the building or structure shall have ampacity as permitted in Part III of this article; however, the ampacity of an individual feeder shall not be required to be larger than the ampacity for the entire building.This section shall not apply to portable classroom buildings.
- Determining Existing Loads. The calculation of a feeder or service load for existing installations shall be permit‐ ted to use actual maximum demand to determine the existing load under all of the following conditions:
- The maximum demand data is available for a 1-year period.Exception: If the maximum demand data for a 1-year period is not available, the calculated load shall be permitted to be based on the maximum demand (the highest average kilowatts reached and main‐ tained for a 15-minute interval) continuously recorded over a mini‐ mum 30-day period using a recording ammeter or power meter connected to the highest loaded phase of the feeder or service, based on
Table 220.86 Optional Method — Demand Factors for Feeders and Service Conductors for SchoolsDemand Factorthe initial loading at the start of the recording. The recording shall reflect the maximum demand of the feeder or service by being taken when the building or space is occupied and shall include by measure‐ ment or calculation the larger of the heating or cooling equipment load, and other loads that may be periodic in nature due to seasonal or simi‐ lar conditions.
- The maximum demand at 125 percent plus the new load does not exceed the ampacity of the feeder or rating of the service.
- The feeder has overcurrent protection in accordance with 240.4, and the service has overload protection in accordance with 230.90.
- The maximum demand data is available for a 1-year period.Exception: If the maximum demand data for a 1-year period is not available, the calculated load shall be permitted to be based on the maximum demand (the highest average kilowatts reached and main‐ tained for a 15-minute interval) continuously recorded over a mini‐ mum 30-day period using a recording ammeter or power meter connected to the highest loaded phase of the feeder or service, based on
- New Restaurants. Calculation of a service or feeder load, where the feeder serves the total load, for a new restau‐ rant shall be permitted in accordance with Table 220.88 in lieu of Part III of this article.
The overload protection of the service conductors shall be in accordance with 230.90 and 240.4.
Feeder conductors shall not be required to be of greater ampacity than the service conductors.
Service or feeder conductors whose calculated load is deter‐ mined by this optional calculation shall be permitted to have the neutral load determined by 220.61.
Part V. Farm Load Calculations
220.100 General. Farm loads shall be calculated in accord‐ ance with Part V.
220.102 Farm Loads — Buildings and Other Loads.
- Dwelling Unit. The feeder or service load of a farm dwell‐ ing unit shall be calculated in accordance with the provisions for dwellings in Part III or IV of this article. Where the dwelling has electric heat and the farm has electric grain-drying systems, Part IV of this article shall not be used to calculate the dwelling load where the dwelling and farm loads are supplied by a common service.
- Other Than Dwelling Unit. Where a feeder or service supplies a farm building or other load having two or more separate branch circuits, the load for feeders, service conduc‐Connected Load(Percent)tors, and service equipment shall be calculated in accordance
with demand factors not less than indicated in Table 220.102.First 33 VA/m2 Plus, (3 VA/ft2) at 100Over 33 through220 VA/m2Plus, Remainder over220 VA/m2(3 through 20 VA/ft2) at 75(20 VA/ft2) at 25
Table 220.88 Optional Method — Permitted Load Calculations for Service and Feeder Conductors for New RestaurantsTotal Connected Load (kVA)All Electric Restaurant Not All Electric RestaurantCalculated Loads (kVA) Calculated Loads (kVA)
0–200 80% 100%201–325 10% (amount over 200) + 160.0 50% (amount over 200) + 200.0326–800 50% (amount over 325) + 172.5 45% (amount over 325) + 262.5Over 800 50% (amount over 800) + 410.0 20% (amount over 800) + 476.3Note: Add all electrical loads, including both heating and cooling loads, to calculate the total connected load. Select the one demand factor that applies from the table, then multiply the total connected load by this single demand factor.
Table 220.102 Method for Calculating Farm Loads for Other Than Dwelling UnitDemand FactorTable 225.3 Other Articles
Equipment/Conductors ArticleBranch circuits 210The greater of the following:
control, signaling, and power-limited
All loads that are expected to operate100circuitssimultaneously, or
Communications circuits800125 percent of the full load current of the
Community antenna television and radio820largest motor, or
distribution systems
First 60 amperes of the load
Conductors for general wiring310Next 60 amperes of all other loads50Electrically driven or controlled675Remainder of other loads25irrigation machines
Electric signs and outline lighting600Feeders215220.103 Farm Loads — Total. Where supplied by a commonFire alarm systems760service, the total load of the farm for service conductors andFixed outdoor electric deicing and snow-426service equipment shall be calculated in accordance with the melting equipmentfarm dwelling unit load and demand factors specified inFloating buildings553Table 220.103. Where there is equipment in two or more farmGrounding and bonding250equipment buildings or for loads having the same function,Hazardous (classified) locations500such loads shall be calculated in accordance with Table 220.102Hazardous (classified) locations —510and shall be permitted to be combined as a single load inspecific
Table 220.103 for calculating the total load.Marinas and boatyards555
Messenger-supported wiring396Table 220.103 Method for Calculating Total Farm LoadMobile homes, manufactured homes,and mobile home parks550Ampere Load at 240 Volts Maximum(%)Class 1, Class 2, and Class 3 remote-725
Individual Loads Calculated in Accordance with Table 220.102
Demand Factor (%)
Open wiring on insulators 398Over 1000 volts, general 490Overcurrent protection 240Largest load 100Second largest load 75Third largest load 65Radio and television equipment 810Services 230Solar photovoltaic systems 690Remaining loads 50Note: To this total load, add the load of the farm dwelling unit calcula‐ ted in accordance with Part III or IV of this article. Where the dwelling has electric heat and the farm has electric grain-drying systems, Part IV of this article shall not be used to calculate the dwelling load.Swimming pools, fountains, and similar installationsUse and identification of grounded conductors680